GalacticSpike's Avatar
Level 27
Expert Procrastinator Procrastinator

Welcome Board / Who is this guy?

Hello and welcome to my profile! It used to be quite dusty in here, but now I'm a lot more active!
I mostly do skins but I've also been known to dabble in texturing and drawing, but who knows maybe one day I'll make a map or even a mod... My shading style is not the most complex but I think it looks good, and I'm still improving bit by bit.
I'm always open to any criticism or general feedback, be it to help me improve or just to hand out any ideas floating around in your head.
Besides all of that I also love reading any comments you might have (seriously you could type "bread" and I'd burst out laughing)

mhmmm let's see what else can I squeeze into this bio...

My Current Hardcore world consists of me living under a rock... because instead of building something fancy I looked at the beach I was standing on and thought mhmmm rock... And now you might be wondering Spike... Why should I care about you living under a rock? To which I say... I dunno you're probably a smart person you can figure it out :D

And just because you cared enough about me to read this far into the bio here's some personal-ish info.
I'm in my twenties (you could call me ancient), I started posting skins here a long time ago and my old stuff is still up, it might not be the best but it's history and I'm keeping it there. I once got asked by a minecraft magazine to know if they could include my skin "jungle guardian" in it and I failed to respond cause I was oblivious to it. And finally I like purple, unfortunatly play league of legends, and my main trait is being a chaotic little gremlin, who starts making skins past 3AM and then wonders why he can't sleep :D

Look at that it's the end of the bio... uuh... Hope you enjoy the content and have a nice day... or night :D

P.s.:Netherrack is made of Red Coffee Beans!

Member Statistics

4,496Profile views
15,451Experience points
12,288Submission views
62Discussion posts
7Wall posts
Mar 16, 2018Joined PMC
GalacticSpikeMinecraft Name
Planet Minecraft


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