Escapazition's Avatar
Ogres are like onions. They both have layers.
Level 18
Journeyman Scribe

/title @p actionbar ABOUT AND OTHER INFO

I’m a Christian male who makes and explores challenge/adventure maps. I’ll be uploading my own maps for you to try and offering recommendations of other maps and mapmakers. However, while mapmaking is my main event, I’m also a casual digital artist on the side, not that I’m particularly good at it. Still learning.
I’m mainly only here to view and upload content, but sometimes I’ll convo with other users on a personal level, sometimes.

Rules and requests:
-Please don’t subscribe just for the sake of giving me subscribers. That just creates confusion for me not knowing who is actually following my content and posts.
-I’d also rather people to not sub to me with multiple accounts unless you have a specific reason for doing so (eg: you use your alt for times when you can’t access your main account). If you do this, I’ll PM you through the alt you subbed with asking for your reason.
-Lastly, no notification spams. It throws off my analytics plus feels like cheating to me.

If I subscribe to you, that means I want your content and/or posts to appear in my feed.
That’s it. That’s always the only reason.

Member Statistics

5,586Profile views
6,304Experience points
3,411Submission views
26Forum threads
214Discussion posts
218Wall posts
Jan 1Joined PMC
CreeperNet06Minecraft Name

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