Diiby's Avatar
I swear I'm not a gimmick account
Level 17 Journeyman Goblin

| Pandoro Pioneer's Personal Personality Written Wrongly |

I'm going to brea(d)k everyone's illusion and say I'm not a bread wizard and got all my doughed delights from A Wiki page

Hello everyone I am Diiby your local neighborhood Diiby and I won't answer any questions because that's what the thing below this is for

Faq (Which stands for Faq)
Q: Inspiration for the name?
A: iiby looks like a sitting cat and Diiby sounded better then iiby

Q: Favorite color?
A: Any shade of green but typically a green

Q: Age?
A: 17 turning 81 next year

Q: Is Animal Crossing New Horizons the worst game ever conceived?
A: Animal Crossing New Horizons is the worst game ever conceived

Q: Pronouns?
A: He/Him

Q: Height?
A: 5'11" enough

Q: Biggest life goal?
A: between stable full time content creation or to be part of the making of a song

Q: Favorite adjective?
A: Funny

Q: What's your clothing style?
A: Typically bright colors without logos or designs and in terms of actual clothing I am exclusive to shorts and hoodies/sleeved shirts

Q: Real name?
A: Usually Tobin

Q: Favorite video game and why?
A: Risk of Rain 2 and because I love rain

Q: Favorite song?
A: Depends on the day but right now it's The Mario Cliche by Bear Ghost

Q: Favorite Vegetable?
A: Peas

Q: Favorite movie?
A: This is my least favorite question because I have literally never had an answer

Q: Favorite show?
A: The Office

Q: Biggest inspiration?
A: Norm of The North and Dwight Schrute are tied

Q: Career plans?
A: Entertainment or Therapy

Q: Best PMC friend?
A: Diiby2

Q: Favorite breed of bread?
A: No comment

Q: Favorite beverage?
A: Coffee or coffee

Q: Do you still own that bouquet of golden plastic forks
A: Of course

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Jun 29, 2020Joined PMC
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