chickenpants93's Avatar
Level 55 Grandmaster Birb


Howdy! I'm ChickenPants93!

I'm that Christian, Artistic, Comic drawin', author aspirin', animation sometimesin', bird man meme boy you've likely heard about in the tales of legend.

I'm a bit of a regular around here, and I've been lucky enough to know a lot of cool people! (so many that I stopped trying to fit them all on that list on the left) I've been here for a few years now and I plan to stay! So feel free to stop by and say hello!

I've been called a lot of things, PMC Memelord, Letter E Army second in command, Rickroller of 150k+, chicken hybrid, and you know, a duck.
One of those isn't true, ill let you decide.

I post occasional memes, but I also love to draw and write stories, so I do that a whole lot more often.
Some of my Projects include:

Pooh Bear Detective Agency (A Detective Comic!)

PMC Artist Community

Battle 4 Jammer (An Object Show Comic!)

Best of Chickenpants93 Collection

Welcome to Talltale (An OUTDATED adventure Thriller!)

Here are some of my future creative goals:
  • Animation
  • Write a book
  • Make a comic series
  • YouTube?
  • Profit.

And yeah that's me!

Here are a few contests I was in:
(I guess I got this first lol)

Speaking of PMC related events, I was one of the builders who worked on PMC Prom 2020-2022!
The 2021 Prom was also hosted on my plot! (Bragging yay)

PMCProm was created and is held yearly by JadeFire170!

And that's all folks!
Thanks for reading!

You've won nothing, except for the satisfaction of having done something with your life
even if it was just this.

Member Statistics

83,642Profile views
180,745Experience points
102,650Submission views
17Forum threads
2,354Discussion posts
3,636Wall posts
Mar 30, 2017Joined PMC
chickenpants93Minecraft Name

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