angelicteaaa's Avatar
Level 49 Master Procrastinator

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  • angelicteaaa's Avatar
    July 3, 2023, 7:07 pm to Public
    Hii again! This is who you may remember as GamerRosalina, Luna, Rosie, or by my actual Name Serenity haha. I made a post giving kinda a hello again six months ago. Me and my friends decided to start a realm, so as I was looking for a Minecraft skin I remembered this site. So, I decided why not do another little update.

    - Ive been dating someone for almost about two years now (really crazy)
    - Currently summer vacation for me lol
    - I have a younger brother on the way, the due date is August 1st :D
    - I still have my pet cat who turns 15 July 6th.
    - I still do art, I infact recently found my old art tablet so I'll most likely be working on some projects with my free time.
    - Ive been going to the beach a lot more and with friends
    - Cheerleading has finished for me, and I plan to move into Drama and Focus more on acting and singing stuff (Like musicals :DD)
    - I found out I actually have curly hair.. so ive been working to take care of it after years of straightening. (If you have any product recommendations id so so appreciate it.)
    -Ive become so much more of a social person, actively working to make more friends and talk more often. (Ive even participated in leadership like programs which work to help my community which was so fun.)
    -Im in so much better of a place mentally, been in and out of therapy for a couple years even finding out from my therapist there is a good chance I have adhd and have been going through the process of getting a diagnosis.

    That's just some things happening with me lol. I got really nostalgic seeing all the old fan skins/ fan art, messages, ect. I really hope anyone who I have had the blessing of interacting with in the past is doing well.
    Thank you for reading, If you wish to chat you can message me and I can send you my instagram.
    I might even start posting some skins again...
    Anyway, have a good day. Goodbye!
    Zith said 2023-07-04 18:37:52
    Zith's Avatar
    i hope u are well and that u are happy :3
  • angelicteaaa's Avatar
    January 14, 2023, 8:36 pm to Public
    hiii! Old ish member here, I remembered my account while having a convo with a friends and wanted to just say hi! I’ve been working a lot on my self and art, I’ve picked up on cheerleading as well, something I never thought I’d have the confidence to do lol. I miss this community a lot and just wanted to say hi! Maybe I’ll make some skins again for fun in my free time lol. Just wanted to say hii! If u ever wanna talk to me, I have a couple socials my main being @angelicteaa_ on insta! :D I also have TikTok as well!!

    -angelicteaaa / serenity / gamerrosalina
    Aethera said 2023-01-28 07:47:27
    Aethera's Avatar
    Welcome back, Rosie! ♥ I hope you’re doing well. :)
    dreamCritting said 2023-01-15 06:45:05
    dreamCritting's Avatar
    Welcome back :D
    Mellie said 2023-01-14 21:52:45
    Mellie's Avatar
    Omg, hi! It's great to see you again :D <3
    Emerald Nightlinde said 2023-01-14 20:56:27
    Emerald Nightlinde's Avatar
    Hi Rosieeee!! Been a while!
    MoonAstraea said 2023-01-14 20:51:44
    MoonAstraea's Avatar
    hiii good to see you again!
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  • angelicteaaa's Avatar
    June 18, 2022, 10:57 pm to Public
    Hey so this is kinda the end of this account, and my journey as a creator who made Minecraft skins most likely permanently
    I don’t have any intent on coming back as there is so much other stuff I have going on in my life and other interests and stuff

    I met so many wonderful people here and have been blessed with so many opportunities, I learned a lot and I’m so great full to have had this experience

    I may come on every once and while to upload skins I have saved in files cause I need to clear out some of my files desperately lol but for now this is it

    i may re visit when im older like out of high school or something like that lol

    And if you wish to still have contact with me here is my main insta (you can even see a face reveal from me there in my highlights and stuff lol)

    and the rest of my socials

    Thank you for everything, and I wish you all the best in life

    signing off,

    habearry said 2022-06-19 22:48:43
    habearry's Avatar
    like others said, good luck with everything & life in general! :)
    Mellie said 2022-06-19 12:01:01
    Mellie's Avatar
    Awww, we'll all miss you! :'( Have a fantastic life <3
    aquarine said 2022-06-19 06:12:41
    aquarine's Avatar
    wish you the best!
    dreamCritting said 2022-06-19 04:22:50
    dreamCritting's Avatar
    Goodbye, and good luck with whatever you plan to do next!
    hirasylph said 2022-06-19 00:36:53
    hirasylph's Avatar
    Im so glad you're genuinely in a good place and I hope that whatever you do you have an amazing time. always remember to take care of yourself !! <3
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  • angelicteaaa's Avatar
    May 1, 2022, 10:32 pm to Public
    never accidently stab your hand with a fork it hurts so bad oh my god it stings

    also don’t ask me how this happended I don’t even know
    SqcialAnxiety said 2022-05-02 00:04:52
    SqcialAnxiety's Avatar
    Spongie said 2022-05-01 22:57:35
    Spongie's Avatar
    omg 😟 r u ok have a bandaid 🩹
  • angelicteaaa's Avatar
    April 23, 2022, 5:54 pm to Public
    People from my school are finding my socials help this is scary
    chickenpants93 said 2022-04-24 15:44:46
    chickenpants93's Avatar
    haha im ghomechool
    Felidae said 2022-04-23 20:46:47
    Felidae's Avatar
    my friends at school already know all of my stuff lol
    Renai_is_acutie said 2022-04-23 20:45:04
    Renai_is_acutie's Avatar
    when i say "i neeed to check my PMC"

    my friends are like WhAt Is ThAt
    BlueoDoesStuff said 2022-04-23 19:30:55
    BlueoDoesStuff's Avatar
    This is scary thought 1308:
  • angelicteaaa's Avatar
    April 14, 2022, 8:43 pm to Public
    I was walking one time at school to go talk to a friend and a look down and there was literally a gopher or idk how to spell it head popping out of the hole and that was literally terrifying I’m sorry I just didn’t expect it like it was so random

    bjt I’m finally on spring break which is cool

    I will be in your walls
  • angelicteaaa's Avatar
    April 11, 2022, 6:25 pm to Public
    I started a Minecraft realm with my friends if you’re interested I can share some screenshots and maybe even stream it sometime on my twitch :D
  • angelicteaaa's Avatar
    angelicteaaa shared Yeerbles's post
    April 10, 2022, 10:34 pm with Public
    I’ve also noticed a lot of these links start with Bit and after examining the links I’ve noticed they are ip grabbers, so everyone just please stay safe ^^
    Yeerbles's Avatar
    April 10, 2022, 8:40 pm to Public
    i know most of you don't use skindex that much
    but i'd like to point out that there's been some impersonators of more popular people who are typing in the comments that the skin is stolen and sending the links

    i'm not too sure what these links contain (i've heard shock sites, viruses, etc.)
    but whatever you do, do not click on these links!

    block and report anybody you see doing this, and stay safe :)

    UPDATE: this post is now irrelevant, the comments have stopped
    keeping it up as basic advice for when this happens in general
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  • angelicteaaa's Avatar
    April 7, 2022, 12:40 pm to Public
    I woke up in extreme pain making it hard to breathe it’s gone down a little now so I still have a little pain not a ton bht I’m staying home playing persona 5 so that’s cool
    Mellie said 2022-04-07 16:39:53
    Mellie's Avatar
    Feel better soon! <3
    JadeFire170 said 2022-04-07 12:42:15
    JadeFire170's Avatar
  • angelicteaaa's Avatar
    April 6, 2022, 6:23 pm to Public
    Thank you for compliments on last post :D also I can’t express how much I hate hate hate California weather especially during school like one week it will be freezing cold the next week nice and the week after summer weather

    we like hardly even have seasons here
  • angelicteaaa's Avatar
    April 5, 2022, 6:31 pm to Public
    here’s my hair btw and my roots have grown out a lot so it’s probably time to re dye it again or something lol

    SleepingYui said 2022-04-06 09:50:45
    SleepingYui's Avatar
    NotLizzie said 2022-04-05 21:16:31
    NotLizzie's Avatar
    I bet you look so pretty 😭❤️
    Renai_is_acutie said 2022-04-05 19:58:55
    Renai_is_acutie's Avatar
    Your face looks very pretty!
  • angelicteaaa's Avatar
    April 5, 2022, 6:29 pm to Public
    kinda tempted to dye my hair again like put like light pink or blue streaks in it tbh
  • angelicteaaa's Avatar
    April 5, 2022, 6:27 pm to Public
    there is apparently going to be a dance at my school this year I’ve never been to one so I honestly hope it happens I just want an excuse to wear a pretty dress or suit
  • angelicteaaa's Avatar
    April 3, 2022, 5:56 pm to Public
    ask me questions so I can make posts about them cause I wanna get active but literally nothing interesting has happended to me at all this week
  • angelicteaaa's Avatar
    March 27, 2022, 3:04 pm to Public
    thank you all for the good luck messages the therapy appointment went really well and my therapist was extremely sweet and nice :D
    Domolas said 2022-03-27 15:15:25
    Domolas's Avatar
    I'm glad it went well! Hope you can get better!
  • angelicteaaa's Avatar
    March 26, 2022, 10:43 pm to Public
    I am very nervous but excited to meet my new therapist tommorow in person
    _Astrolol_ said 2022-03-27 12:02:41
    _Astrolol_'s Avatar
    Good luck! It might be scary at first but I hope it works out for you!
    Mellie said 2022-03-27 08:17:25
    Mellie's Avatar
    Good luck! <3
    dreamCritting said 2022-03-27 04:17:26
    dreamCritting's Avatar
    Good luck!
    ObsidianFoxPlayz said 2022-03-27 00:00:11
    ObsidianFoxPlayz's Avatar
    good luck :)
    aquarine said 2022-03-26 23:14:23
    aquarine's Avatar
    gl! hope it goes great for you <3
  • angelicteaaa's Avatar
    March 21, 2022, 10:07 am to Public
    Aaaa I have to run today at school cause we have to run every Monday I don’t wanna run help
    Eshii said 2022-03-21 15:28:52
    Eshii's Avatar
    yeah, we have to do the pacer test every Monday so lets suffer together ;-;
    endergirl1234 said 2022-03-21 10:12:08
    endergirl1234's Avatar
  • angelicteaaa's Avatar
    March 21, 2022, 2:03 am to Public
    I’m sorry but I never trust people with my books you can read it at my house or only at your house for a couple days I’m just scared they are gonna ruin it idk I’m just fearful cause I can’t tell you how much it angers me when edges or books tear or stuff makes me grrr especially when it when it has a beautiful cover and gets ruined
    SapphireDragon3662 said 2022-03-21 07:43:39
    SapphireDragon3662's Avatar
    Y E S
  • angelicteaaa's Avatar
    March 20, 2022, 4:56 am to Public
    I’m up at 2 am with my best friend playing Viva piñata cause I used to play it all the time it’s literally the only thing keeping me awake rn help
  • angelicteaaa's Avatar
    March 14, 2022, 8:07 pm to Public

    art :]
    Emerald Nightlinde said 2022-03-19 18:52:06
    Emerald Nightlinde's Avatar
    Omg fluffy haaair- what do the papers mean? 👀
    Hardcrafter said 2022-03-14 21:09:06
    Hardcrafter's Avatar
    Oh cute! What's the context around this character?
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