The Crafting Table's Avatar
This "round table" is quite... square.
Apprentice Community
Level 2
Enhance your Minecraft gameplay. Share methods for staying motivated or get ideas on what to do next. Showcase your progress!


Frequently Asked Questions

How do I join?
Please use the official forum thread to request an invite. We are approving all requests. The more members we have, the more fun we'll have in-game!
What can I and can not post?
These lists are not comprehensive and will be added to as needed. Just because you posted something that isn't listed under the "Can't" section doesn't mean it won't be removed. Use common sense.

A few examples of what you can post:
  • Timelapse videos
  • Tour videos
  • Tutorial videos/pictures
  • Progress pictures
  • Build screenshots
  • Pixel art screenshots
  • Map previews
  • Achievement screenshots
  • Written or drawn plans
  • Mood boards
  • Block palettes
  • Ideas for challenges
  • Self-imposed rule sets
  • Questions
  • Requests for ideas/feedback
A few examples of what you can't post:
  • Advertisements
  • Asking for diamonds/emeralds/etc.
  • Spam or multiple posts of mostly the same thing
Where can I ask questions?
You can use the guestbook to ask a question if we didn't answer it here.


Follow all PMC rules in addition to this group's rules
Don't argue with or harass Admins
Admins ultimately have the final say.

If after clarification the admin/mod still upholds their decision, don't argue, and don't harass them. Re-joining The Crafting Table community after being removed will be handled on a case by case basis, and will most likely include taking opinions from other members into consideration.

Explaining a situation or misinterpreted comment if you feel you've been unfairly punished is fine, and not against the rules.
Don't suggest giving up on a project
NEVER suggest deleting/scrapping someone's world, project, build, etc.

This group is designed to help people continue their work. Deleting a project goes directly against the purpose of this group. If you still break this rule even after being warned, you will be removed.

Giving up or expressing the desire to give up on your own project is understandable and not against the rules. We still encourage you to keep the world's save file, just in case you change your mind after receiving feedback or ideas.
Use constructive criticism, don't be harsh in your judgements
Critiquing is allowed and encouraged, but do not rip into anyone's content.

5 methods to give constructive criticism
Consider using the sandwich method.
Give positive reinforcement via a compliment. Then share criticism on what can be improved and how. Finally, end on a high note with more compliments.

Use the “I” language strategy.
Using phrases like “I think,” “I feel” and “I’d suggest” makes sure that the person receiving the feedback understands that the criticism is about the situation or behavior rather than about them as a person.

Focus on the action or behavior.
When delivering constructive criticism it is important to focus on the specific action, outcome or behavior that you would like to see improve. Similarly, when focusing on the action and improvement you would like to see, consider using non-specific language such as “the build,” “the ability” or “the project” rather than “your build,” “your ability” and “your project.”

Include specific positive praise.
Offer specific praise for a member's build, color/block choices, ability to overcome an obstacle, or another success or achievement that was done well. This allows them to focus on the things they do well. Then, they can apply those strengths to plans of improvement you may implement for weaker skills or performance. Additionally, praising your employees often and when merited can increase employee morale and motivation.

Provide actionable feedback.
When implementing constructive criticism, it is important to offer feedback that someone is able to put into action immediately to achieve new objectives and increase their motivation/creativity.

Use empathy.
An important key to constructive criticism is empathizing with the person who is receiving the feedback. Put yourself in their position and think about how you would want to hear the criticism and what specific words would be most helpful to you.

Read more about these methods, and see examples of each.
Updates should have a noticeable amount of progress
Posts with minimal change from your previous post might be seen as spam.

Posting updates on your projects must show at least a noticeable amount of progress. This isn't a "spot the difference" group. You may be given specific permission to post smaller updates if your situation is difficult (message Oslypsis to request permission).
Cite your sources of inspiration
If you got an idea from anything/anyone other than yourself or your own content, you need to say where the inspiration came from.

Sometimes, trying to find the original creator of what inspired you can be difficult. We can't expect every source cited to be the original creator. However, if you know the original creator, include links to their profile/channel/patreon/etc. somewhere in your post.
Don't pester anyone for more posts/updates
Please be mindful of the human behind the username.

Do not repeatedly ask any member about making more posts because you "can't wait to see more, so hurry up!" While the enthusiasm and encouragement is appreciated, we're all running our own race. You never know why someone isn't posting, and pressuring them to update could make them want to leave the group altogether. If a member wants to share why they aren't posting, they will. Otherwise, please respect their privacy and space by not asking. Some people have disorders, disabilities, life event struggles, or even just internet connectivity issues.
Don't post impossible-to-beat challenges or rule sets
Try to playtest your ideas/challenges/self-imposed rule sets before you suggest it to others to ensure it's doable.

Unless you're still brainstorming on how to make the challenge doable. In that case, posts about your incomplete/impossible ideas are allowed.

Why might my request to join be denied?

Your account is under a week old
New accounts are more likely to be spammers, bots, trolls, or someone evading a PMC sitewide ban. Your account will need to be at least a week old before you can join. In the meantime, you can still view the content The Crafting Table community has to offer.
You've been removed from the group before
If you've been removed from the group, an attempt to re-join will be denied. Appeals of removals can be made via Oslypsis' inbox. Appeals are handled on a case by case basis and are final in their outcomes.
You're using an alt account
If we find out that you're using a second account to either evade a ban or artificially inflate your diamonds/emeralds/etc. on your main account, you will be removed and all appeals automatically denied.
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