The Chaos Legion's Avatar
We make Order Out of Chaos
Expert Order
Level 27
Only the strong will last

The Five Districts

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(Fireteam Phoenix, the products of the Spartan Program)

(Models by JustaFlqmingo, rendered by LegendarySi)

The Chaos Legion has five separate districts spread across Anarchy Island. Each of them also has a base on one of the other islands of PMC.
The Northern, Western, Eastern, Southern, and Capital Districts.

The Capital District

This is the center of all of The Chaos Legion, where high command is based.
The largest of the five districts, located in the center of Anarchy Island. This district’s off-island base is in PMC City, beneath the ruins of Cyprezz Tower.
It is the strongest of the five, and it is protected by an impenetrable shield dome during times of war.

Leader: Anarchist LegendarySi

The Northern District

They are commonly referred to as "the Yellow District".
They are known for their powerful firepower and heavy artillery, and their off-island base is on Hell’s Island, hidden within the land’s mountain range.

Following the near-apocalypse that included the banishing of a now-insane and evil IGEBM to unspace, control of the Yellow District was transferred to High Battlemasters Diiby and Clay. Clay’s pirate ship is currently docked in the harbor.

Leader(s): High Battlemasters Diiby and ClayMan1077

The Western District

They are commonly referred to as "the Blue District".

They are known for their diplomatic outlook on war, and skilled negotiators. Their off-island base is located in the Forge, on the second island where the Forgemaster’s house is.

Over half the soldiers in the district were killed in an attack from a horde of Astral Beasts
that decimated the main base.

Leader(s): Supreme Commanding Legionmaster cloudkitty

The Southern District

They are commonly referred to as "the Red District".

They are known for their many technological advancements,
and their secrecy about many of the Legion's classified projects.
Their off-island base is on Morbid Island, and the team there has orders to stay away from Mt. Aranaktu due to its recent activity.

Leader(s): Supreme Commanding Legionmaster SynthesizedEcho

The Eastern District

They are commonly referred to as "the Green District".
They are known for their brutal war tactics and strong soldiers,
Their off-island base was built on Illager Island, and following our alliance with them, both Legion and Illager Clan soldiers are stationed there.

Leader(s): Supreme Commanding Legionmaster CesarCarter

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