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Welcome all!! :)) “We chose to do things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard!” -JFK
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Go past low expectations and become who you were made to be.

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  • PMC Rebelution's Avatar
    PMC Rebelution post by TheMountaineer's Avatar TheMountaineer
    May 21, 2024, 1:15 pm to Public
    I believe its about time for our monthly challenges. This month we'll be focusing on a variety of different things. Verses last time we did challenges that mainly centered around you helping you grow, verses the challenges prior were focused on getting out of your comfort zone to help others. So without further ado ~ Lets get to it!

    In real life challenges:
    For the rest of the month try getting out in nature by yourself at least every day of this month. (Or what we have left of it x,D) star
    Try inviting a friend out even if its just as simple as getting tea (I'm not meaning like dating, just going and getting some quality time with the friends you don't hang out with as much) starstar
    Make some goals for the summer of something you've wanted to do, but just haven't really had the time to do so. Where that is trying to learn another language, painting, taking up and new hobby anything like that. star

    Online challenges:
    Find 1 or two (Or more if you'd like) Newer people on this site who need help and take them under your wing. starstar
    Guest book or pm two people dear to you how much your appreciate them. star
    Try posting at least 2-5 fanskins this month starstarstar

    And that's all for this month. I'll just end this off by saying, you got this. :D
    TheMountaineer replied to PsioPsia001's comment below 2024-05-28 09:21:53
    TheMountaineer's Avatar
    PsioPsia001 said 2024-05-22 15:51:50
    PsioPsia001's Avatar
    I made a list of things to do in summer, I haven't noted it down but I remember.
    If you want, I can share it
  • PMC Rebelution's Avatar
    PMC Rebelution post by TheMountaineer's Avatar TheMountaineer
    May 6, 2024, 5:42 pm to Public
    ☔Monthly inspiration!🌼

    I haven't done on of these in ummmm who knows when :/

    Too long of time gap x,D

    I know I was planning on having the monthly inspiration be stories based off people's lives who have done hard things, (I still plan to do those... maybe just not every month) I'm planning on just posting inspo, and things to help you get along with doing 'hard things'

    So without further a do.. Lets do this. :D

    Have you ever thought about dreams of things you wish to do. Picture this, your sitting in front of your computer, scamming through lists of goals that you haven't ever gotten started with doing yet. Your thinking of all of the things you wish you could do, but here's the thing, you don't think you could EVER possibly do them. Its just to impossible right? Maybe its trying to grow in a certain area in your life, for example laziness, or maybe its someone you've wanted to talk to for quite some time but can't get the nerve to do so, or maybe you've been wanting to accomplish something like running a marathon. Whether I listed it or not, I think we all have something we really want to do.. but for some reason can't get ourselves to do it. (I know I've been there done that)

    But.. what if I told you that I may have a solution?

    Right now, wherever you are reading this I want you to grab something and write this down. Have something to write on? At the top head it 'What would I do if there was nothing to stop me'

    Than under that I want you to put down everything you wish you could do if nothing could stop you, and do it! (Now, Reminder: Somethings are impossible for you to do, don't put anything life threatening down pleasee x,D)

    I hope this helps!
    TheMountaineer said 2024-05-06 17:44:28
    TheMountaineer's Avatar
    AlphaGrace, BlueBoyBuilds, WildWillows JustaFlqmingo KhakiKayaks LeLovesJazz anonpmc4592387 Panda_Aberdokki Panda_sleepy-octoling Patience PsioPsia001 Tricolor Wagnerbaum ClayMan1077 Shift Stardust Larry the Hamster ThatOneIdiotNamedGhoul (Pin for monthly inspiration) *Reminder: You if you would no longer liked to be pinned for group content please let me know!/or if you would like to be pinned let me no :)
  • PMC Rebelution's Avatar
    PMC Rebelution post by TheMountaineer's Avatar TheMountaineer
    April 3, 2024, 2:26 pm to Public
    Another month for another set of challenges: :D
    This month will more be focused on things you can do to help yourself out of your comfort zone, verses last month really went over harder things you can do to help others out.
    So without further a do, lets get to it. :)

    In real life challenges:
    Try out a new game (or sport) (2 Stars)
    Try out this month saying 'yes' as much as you can. (Okay, let me get this straight lol, don't say yes to things that could in danger your life or hurt others lol) But, just try out new things, don't be afraid to say yes. :D (1 Star)
    And last, but not least. (I know I said this is more on helping you... but) This month try to be as welcoming as you can. Like stand at a door and open it for others. Help someone if their carrying a heavy load. Go introduce yourself to someone new (Or that you've never seen before) Invite others into your group. I know this is easier said than done for many. But, try it out, and at the end of the month, I'd love to hear how it went. :) (3 stars)

    Online challenges:
    Try participating in a jam
    See if you can help out with any events.
    Introduce yourself to all of the new people joining.

    Good luck! You got this! :))
    TheMountaineer replied to PsioPsia001's comment below 2024-05-02 17:04:50
    TheMountaineer's Avatar
    :D Cool!
    PsioPsia001 said 2024-04-27 15:03:39
    PsioPsia001's Avatar
    Today I tried a new sport, sailing.
    I was a bit scared of steering the boat, but I liked it.and I want to practice more in the future.
    TheMountaineer replied to anonpmc4592387's comment below 2024-04-04 10:15:05
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    TheMountaineer replied to Panda_Aberdokki's comment below 2024-04-04 09:57:59
    TheMountaineer's Avatar
    x,D Its fine if you forget lol. *Thumb ups* for doing them. :)
    TheMountaineer replied to anonpmc4592387's comment below 2024-04-04 09:57:24
    TheMountaineer's Avatar
    Sure, I'd love to lol. :)
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  • PMC Rebelution's Avatar
    PMC Rebelution post by TheMountaineer's Avatar TheMountaineer
    March 19, 2024, 12:17 pm to Public
    This month I'm going to try something new with the monthly inspiration.

    You have no idea, that just by doing small hard things how much you can inspire people. I know as a teen its scary (I say this with experience x,D)

    One little thing can change someones life. I know some people might be one track mind people. For example. Where you need to get something at a store and you fly right in, grab it, buy it and leave. Is that you? Okay, first thing there is nothing wrong with a one track mind, the only thing is, you miss lots of opportunities to influence people for good.

    Lets say you go back in time, and instead of rushing in and out of the store you walk in slowly, and smile at everyone and see what you can do (like encourage others, compliment them on their outfit, help them out) [Again I know as a teen this is scary] But, think about it.

    I've read something before I'll paraphrase it 'You'll never regret kindness (Never ever)'

    I'll tell you something, when you say something or do something that makes someone happy its addicting lol.

    Take some time this month to really think about this.
    Stop telling yourself that just because your a teen you can't do __________ fill in the blank.

    And have a good rest of your month. I encourage you to really try doing this, not just at a store, but everywhere you go!

    You got this! :)
  • PMC Rebelution's Avatar
    PMC Rebelution post by PsioPsia001's Avatar PsioPsia001
    March 19, 2024, 10:33 am to Public
    We often want to do something good for others or achieve something, but it's really difficult to start. It's especially hard for teenagers, we're overwhelmed by school, adults often don't trust our ideas and we can't do some things.
    I have an idea how to do it: start from smaller things.
    As a certain meme says, "It ain't much but it's honest work". A bunch of small bits of honest work can help you achieve your goal.

    I have a recent example from a few hours ago:
    I am involved in various volunteer activities and I wanted to ask my school to help with collecting things for one of these. However, I was scared to do it. The volunteer group at my school is large and there are so many more people that I'd have to tell about it. I didn't know if they would accept my idea. I'm a teenager and I can't drive, so I would have to ask someone for help to deliver the collected things.
    I decided to start with a more achievable goal. I asked a group of people who are involved in the case (less than me, but they know about it) if we can do it. They accepted my idea.
    If it goes well, I'll ask people at my school if we can do it too.

    The group's challenges are good idea of things that you can do to make others happy.
    Remember that you can achieve a lot if you don't give up at the first time when you're unsure.
    TheMountaineer replied to PsioPsia001's comment below 2024-03-19 12:20:50
    TheMountaineer's Avatar
    Yes, I believe so. :)
    PsioPsia001 said 2024-03-19 12:12:27
    PsioPsia001's Avatar
    TheMountaineer does it count as a post encouraging people?
    (I did it go other purpose than stars, but getting stars is always nice)
    Panda Gocarts3 said 2024-03-19 10:37:45
    Panda Gocarts3's Avatar
    I try to be helpful, work with my hands, and entertaining

    I have become a YouTuber and deadset on entertianing others.
  • PMC Rebelution's Avatar
    PMC Rebelution post by TheMountaineer's Avatar TheMountaineer
    March 14, 2024, 10:22 am to Public
    Who's ready for the month's challenges?

    Challenges for in real life:
    Talk to someone who looks like they have no one to talk to (1 star)
    Give some time up to help someone in need for free (2 stars)
    Encourage everyone you pass for one day (1 star)
    Try out something new, like a sport (2 stars

    Challenges for online:
    Guest book 5 people about how great you think they are (1 star)
    Find 3 members and download and like their content (Or comment 12 nice things on 12 different content of others) (2 stars)
    Make a post encouraging people (1 star)

    Good luck! If you are a member of this group you can put what ones you have done below in the comments, and I'll give you your stars! :)
    ClayMan1077 replied to TheMountaineer's comment below 2024-03-16 13:02:53
    ClayMan1077's Avatar
    LESS GO!!!
    TheMountaineer replied to ClayMan1077's comment below 2024-03-16 11:43:06
    TheMountaineer's Avatar
    :o You now have the most stars lol.
    TheMountaineer replied to ItzOrangey's comment below 2024-03-16 11:42:42
    TheMountaineer's Avatar
    Technically if your in a room by yourself your not passing anyone..

    When someone all they try to do is find a way to cheat. lol
    TheMountaineer replied to ClayMan1077's comment below 2024-03-16 11:41:54
    TheMountaineer's Avatar
    Sweet! Kudos to you.
    ClayMan1077 said 2024-03-14 13:45:59
    ClayMan1077's Avatar
    And two online challenges done baby
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  • PMC Rebelution's Avatar
    PMC Rebelution post by Larry the Hamster's Avatar Larry the Hamster
    March 1, 2024, 11:00 pm to Public
    "Eat a live frog first thing in the morning and nothing worse will happen to you the rest of the day." -Mark Twain
    Ender Sparkle said 2024-03-01 23:26:53
    Ender Sparkle's Avatar
    (/j) French people be like
    ajthepeach said 2024-03-01 23:05:13
    ajthepeach's Avatar
  • PMC Rebelution's Avatar
    PMC Rebelution post by TheMountaineer's Avatar TheMountaineer
    February 24, 2024, 1:18 pm to Public
    Apologizes that the month inspiration is going to be late. x,D My busy schedule nowadays lol.

    Ty for understanding. :)
  • PMC Rebelution's Avatar
    PMC Rebelution post by TheMountaineer's Avatar TheMountaineer
    February 6, 2024, 1:56 pm to Public
    It feels like in this generation its a struggle to say 'No'

    Especially for girls. We want to be kind and sweet and help others out. But, there is a point where you deserve to say 'No'

    Culture has made it almost impossible for people to say 'no'. Have you ever heard of the words 'People pleaser' That's just extra proof.

    We want to help out, and be kind, make everyone happy. But, let me tell you something its impossible to make 'everyone' happy.

    I know, I used to be super shy. (I know right I was!) lol. You go into a store, and feel almost awkward to walk out without buying something. Or someone asks your opinion on something you don't want to make it awkward so you just say 'yes'

    The problem is. Manipulation is a big thing now. If you don't have a 'no' people can push you around. And I assure you they will.

    I'm not saying its easy. But, you deserve a 'no' You shouldn't be getting pushed around.

    Another explanation for girls. When it comes to dating, sometimes its really hard to say 'no' to a guy. Because you don't want to hurt his feelings. But, honestly if you have any respect for yourself. And respect at all, you should have a 'no'

    Now I'm not saying to flat out walk up to the guy and say 'No' (That would honestly sound mean lol) But, 'no' can be its own sentence. If you want to walk away from something you feel yourself screaming 'no' walk away.

    Questions to ask yourself:
    Is there someone I'm letting push me around because I never say no? Do I always try to make everyone happy and bring myself on a burn out?

    I hope this helps. :)
    Team UNNAMED replied to Team UNNAMED's comment below 2024-02-09 13:26:00
    Team UNNAMED's Avatar
    Useott and you blocked me again, and I never asked you a bump
    Team UNNAMED replied to Useott's comment below 2024-02-06 20:06:06
    Team UNNAMED's Avatar
    Team UNNAMED*

    also, there is multiple of us.
    Useott replied to Team UNNAMED's comment below 2024-02-06 19:30:04
    Useott's Avatar
    you know very well what i mean mister mineplex carl 2015
    Team UNNAMED replied to Useott's comment below 2024-02-06 16:40:45
    Team UNNAMED's Avatar
    Useott said 2024-02-06 15:50:37
    Useott's Avatar
    Oh I did say no a bunch of times, including to
    Team UNNAMED when he was requesting too much stuff for me to handle
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  • PMC Rebelution's Avatar
    PMC Rebelution post by TheMountaineer's Avatar TheMountaineer
    February 2, 2024, 11:12 am to Public
    Its a new month! So new challenges!

    4 challenges for irl:
    Eat something weird you've never eaten before (1 star)
    Volunteer to help someone out [For free[ (2 stars)
    Encourage someone (2 stars)
    Smile at everyone you pass (1 star)

    2 challenges for online:
    Guest book post 5 people an encouragement (1 star)
    Make someone their first fan skin/fan art (2 stars)
    PsioPsia001 said 2024-02-17 16:38:49
    PsioPsia001's Avatar
    Apart from my regular volunteering, I helped to count money at the charity fair at my school
    TheMountaineer replied to Panda_Aberdokki's comment below 2024-02-06 13:46:08
    TheMountaineer's Avatar
    True, but there are still some out there, you just have to find them :)
    Panda_Aberdokki said 2024-02-03 14:00:32
    Panda_Aberdokki's Avatar
    in order to be their first they ahve to be small enough to not have one already :sob:
  • PMC Rebelution's Avatar
    PMC Rebelution post by TheMountaineer's Avatar TheMountaineer
    January 30, 2024, 12:14 pm to Public

    The month is almost over! Go check out the month challenges before its to late! ;)
  • PMC Rebelution's Avatar
    PMC Rebelution post by TheMountaineer's Avatar TheMountaineer
    January 17, 2024, 1:32 pm to Public
    ❄️ Monthly inspiration: ❄️

    In case you don't know what 'Monthly inspiration it' Each month I'm planning on posting one. Each post will be about other young people who did hard things, and how much them stepping out of their comfort zone effected others around them. This post is for inspiration to show you that your not alone, and you can do it. :)

    Lets go back some hundred years in history to the story of Esther. For those of you who aren't fans of History, don't walk away xD

    For those of you who aren't familiar with this story. Its about a young teen girl named Esther. This story starts Around 60 years after Esther's people where taken captive to a land called Persia.

    King Ahasuerus who was the king of Persia around this time had recently gotten rid of his wife for disobedience, and wanting to look for a new wife so he started something like a beauty contest.

    He sent his royal guards around his kingdom to find the most beautiful of the unmarried women, to bring before the king that be might choose one to be his queen. And one of these women was Esther. Now around this time Esther was around 14 years of age.

    She was taken to the palace and chosen to be queen. What would you have thought if or when you were 14 if you were forced to be taken away from your family and to never be able to see them again?

    Imagine what she would have thought? Not long after, a man named Haman comes into the picture. This man hated Esther's people and wanted to destroy them. (Take note. No one at the palace knew that she was a Jew) So one day he came before the king and persuaded him that there were people who would not listen or follow the king, and the king gave Haman ability to schedule a day to slaughter all of those people.

    Somehow Esther's uncle was able to send a message to Esther about this, telling her that perhaps she was made for such a time as this.

    Think about that. Put yourself in her place. if she didn't do anything all of her people including her would be killed, ahh wouldn't you be a tid bit frightened? I sure would lol.

    Let me phrase this, the only way she could stop this was to go to the king, but a plot twist, if you went to the king without having a proper appointment he could put you to death!

    Guess what she did? She went before the king a few times and finally told him that the people Haman wanted to kill were her people.

    If she wouldn't have stepped out of her comfort zone all of her people would be killed, and she would have to live with that the rest of her life. I doubt most of you experience life or death step out of your comfort zones. But, seriously if she wouldn't have done anything so many people would die. Talk about pressure!

    Ask yourself: If you were in her place what would you have done?

    Think through: Have you ever been afraid to say something to someone that you need to?

    Sorry, that this one is a bit long, I assure you that the others probably won't be nearly as long xD

    ❄️ Thank you for reading! ❄️
    TheMountaineer replied to Wagnerbaum's comment below 2024-01-17 18:00:19
    TheMountaineer's Avatar
    :D Will do!
    TheMountaineer replied to anonpmc4796884's comment below 2024-01-17 18:00:07
    TheMountaineer's Avatar
    Wagnerbaum replied to TheMountaineer's comment below 2024-01-17 15:56:22
    Wagnerbaum's Avatar
    def ping me, i need to see these
    TheMountaineer replied to ItzOrangey's comment below 2024-01-17 15:35:59
    TheMountaineer's Avatar
    In a book in was reading. :D
    TheMountaineer replied to anonpmc4796884's comment below 2024-01-17 15:35:38
    TheMountaineer's Avatar
    Will do!
    Thank you :))
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  • PMC Rebelution's Avatar
    PMC Rebelution post by Larry the Hamster's Avatar Larry the Hamster
    January 12, 2024, 7:00 pm to Public
    Nothing will work unless you do.
    -Maya Angelou
  • PMC Rebelution's Avatar
    PMC Rebelution post by Larry the Hamster's Avatar Larry the Hamster
    January 5, 2024, 7:20 pm to Public
    I am a great believer in luck, and I find the harder I work, the more I have of it.
    -Thomas Jefferson
  • PMC Rebelution's Avatar
    PMC Rebelution post by TheMountaineer's Avatar TheMountaineer
    January 2, 2024, 6:22 pm to Public
    :D I want to thank you all for the 21 follows that we've gotten in the past nor even 24 hours. Tysm all for joining you have no idea how much this means to me! :))
  • PMC Rebelution's Avatar
    PMC Rebelution post by TheMountaineer's Avatar TheMountaineer
    January 2, 2024, 2:00 pm to Public
    Since it is the beginning of January, why not start the star challenge now? (By the way you can only earn stars if you are in the group, but if not you can still follow along and do these things) :)
    (If you have no idea what the star challenge is, check it out in 'What events are there currently'
    The number in () is the amount of points you can earn by doing each action. Now some things might be easy for you, that doesn't mean you shouldn't do them. :)

    (Challenges for in real life)

    The big ones are things you can do online and the slanted are ones to do in real life.
    1st: Write an encouraging note to someone. (1)
    2rd: Encourage someone [Extra point if you just met them!] (2)
    3rd: Read something out loud in front of a crowd of people (School doesn't count lol) (3)

    (Online challenges)
    1st: Guest book [Or Pm] five people encouraging them. (1)
    Befriend someone who doesn't seem to have any friends (1)
    3rd: Make five fanskins for different people who don't really have any (2)

    [Good luck! By the way these are things to do through-out January, you can do a thing each week or what not, every month the challenges will change. (Make sure you let me know which ones you've done through-out the month so I can add you to the score board) (Also please don't cheat and say you did ones you didn't, that won't gain you anything) Tysm and good luck!
    TheMountaineer replied to PsioPsia001's comment below 2024-01-21 20:05:36
    TheMountaineer's Avatar
    PsioPsia001 said 2024-01-20 11:19:19
    PsioPsia001's Avatar
    I read my poem at the scout camp (in front of 30 people including the district leader)
    Panda_Aberdokki said 2024-01-15 11:15:56
    Panda_Aberdokki's Avatar
    TheMountaineer replied to Larry the Hamster's comment below 2024-01-15 10:35:40
    TheMountaineer's Avatar
    Its just once a month. You can do them whenever you want to but you won't make stars.
    TheMountaineer replied to Panda_Aberdokki's comment below 2024-01-15 10:31:16
    TheMountaineer's Avatar
    Nice! :D
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  • PMC Rebelution's Avatar
    PMC Rebelution post by TheMountaineer's Avatar TheMountaineer
    January 2, 2024, 12:52 pm to Public
    We're now open for joining requests! :D
    TheMountaineer replied to ClayMan1077's comment below 2024-01-02 12:52:48
    TheMountaineer's Avatar
    :D Alrighty! I'll add you!
    ClayMan1077 said 2024-01-02 12:52:16
    ClayMan1077's Avatar
    I wish to join!
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