PMC Rebelution's Avatar
Welcome all!! :)) “We chose to do things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard!” -JFK
New Group
Go past low expectations and become who you were made to be.

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Profile Banner by Katfoo10! Tysm!


Wall poster Regulations
Keep what your writing focused on the heart of the group idea, don't be rude or complain about someone, And if you have any questions PM or guest book me. (Don't swear)

Is this group only for teens? (AKA Young adults)
No, although this group is mainly focused on teens (Age 13+ to 18) If your an adult we'd still very much so love you have you! :D

How do I request to join?
Just make a guest book post in the guest book including the words 'I want to do hard things' I only want people in this group if they actually want to do hard things. If your too scared to its fine lol, a follow would still be much appreciated!

Does this group have any events or whatnot?
Yes, there will me! I have a ton of stuff planned out so just wait 'an see. :)

Are there any things you can recommend to help me do hard things?
I'd suggest to read the 'Do Hard things' and 'Start here' by Alex and Brett Harris. If your not a book person, than I suggest you listen to their podcast. 'Do hard things'

What are hard things exactly?
Hard things are just like the words. There are two types of hard things. Small hard things and big hard things. Small hard things are some of the hardest hard things, they're things like taking out the trash when your asked to, doing the dishes, cleaning your room, doing the lawn, doing your best at school. These things are small, but they're so important to form the character of who you are. :)

Profile banner
The profile banner is symbolizing a comfort zone. The girl standing looking over the fence is stuck in her comfort zone watching others running around outside thriving, doing things you can't do in your comfort zone. :)
In your comfort zone your stuck from being who you were meant to be and thriving. Your just stuck doing 'comfortable' things. Instead of things that may sometimes feel uncomfortable, but grow your character.

What events are there currently?
One of the main things of this group is the 'star' challenge. It goes every month each year. By joining this group your put into the star challenge.

Each month in wallposts I'll give 3-6 (Unless I get to busy and forget x,D, than you can just go off of the last months challenges and use it for that month) (Or maybe sometimes more, but I'll start small) of hard things to try to do that month. Including things like talk to someone who appears alone, strike up a conversation with a random stranger, do something you've never done before. These are just a few of the challenges! Certain stars have more points on them than others.

And... here is the twist. By the end of the month tell me which of the things you did. (You can go into detail if you want to) You'll get a star.

Each person with stars will be added to a list on a widget and we'll see who at the end of the year has the most stars. (By the way, please don't just think about this challenge for just getting stars, its meant to encourage you and push you out of your comfort zone in order to get stars, not just for the star part :)

What do I do if I have more questions?
Just write them in the guest book or PM TheMountaineer. :)

How do I support this group?
Want to support this group? Its pretty simple. Following the group is one of the biggest things you can do to support it. Others ways would be advertise it so others can see. And if your a member with content privileges (Those will be given out at the end of this year) then make content. (I'll add an expandable spoiler below to explain what kind of content you can post around the time members are able to post!
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