PMC Rebelution's Avatar
Welcome all!! :)) “We chose to do things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard!” -JFK
New Group
Go past low expectations and become who you were made to be.

“all effort—even failed effort—produces muscle.” -Alex Harris

Did you know that less than one hundred years ago, the word 'Teenager' didn't exist? Yeah, I know right!

Over the past hundred years things have changed a lot. I mean a ton. Expectations for Teens have changed. Before teens could do so many things. You could help lead a boat when you were twelve! There were only two categories Children and Adults. No in between. You could do so many big things back then and you were encouraged to do so! Expectations were high, then BOOM!! They dropped.

Now days many adults think down on teenagers. They see them as crazy partying people that are wasteful. Expectations were dropped and we went down to meet them. Really it isn't out fault, since we weren't here 70 some years ago. Its just been like this since then, we had no idea.

I had no idea till I read 'Do hard things' By Alex and Brett Harris. (I suggest you check it out, its really good!) (They're the ones that started the Rebelution which this group is founded upon!)

Do you want to go past these low expectations set before us? Do you want to live your teen years not looking back when your an adult feeling as though they were wasted? Do you want to do hard things? If so you've came to the right place!

This is a group where you are encouraged to do hard things. A group where we won't shelter you we'll help push you out of the wall of your comfort zone that holds you captive. We'll be beside you as your grow in who you are suppose to be.

The only way you can change is if you really want to, which just takes a few steps out of your comfort zone than a few more, just a few little steps can change a lot!

“It’s about an idea. It’s about rebelling against low expectations. It’s about a movement that is changing the attitudes and
actions of teens around the world. And we want you to be part of it.” -Alex Harris

Are you ready? Are you ready to take a step out and change the world?
Planet Minecraft


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