7th Grade PBworks Thing 2 + Commentary

TheNewTK421's Avatar TheNewTK42111/15/23 8:00 am scheduled history
1 emeralds 78
So yeah. these are back. It was supposed to come out sometime earlier, but then stuff happened (such as my computer crashing and erasing progress.) Anyways, if anyone thought the first story was cringy, this one is worse, so brace yourself...

I’m an ANONYMOUS FUGITIVE trying to make his way through the world. I walk around with a GRIM expression, a black leather jacket, and cop-style sunglasses. I decided to go to my good friend Finn Jordan’s house, where he had Edward Chang, a very PROMINENT student, and my roommate John Smith (whom had some very interesting ANECDOTES about his life.) We decided that we would look for music to listen to on the radio, but then the radio started playing Nickelback, so we gave up on that idea. So instead we decided to go out, and we met up with an old man whom lived in a MAKESHIFT house (which had a somewhat GRIMY interior.) He talked about how he was just like us, RELUCTANT to try and copy the “cool guys”, and how people would think they would get whatever they wanted just because they ENTREATED very hard. We heard his story, and we told him how people thought we had no POTENTIAL way of being understood, but he said otherwise. The next day at George Mason (that’s the college that we went to) a RADIANT Red Barchetta drove up, and the old man stepped out and people looked in awe at him as well as us, walking with him. For he was the SUBSTANTIAL figure Strachan MacDonald.

Here's your context and commentary and other stuff:
  • This assignment revolved around making a story that used unique words or something like that, so that's why there's ALL-CAPS WORDS in this. There was no way to do italics or bold or underline or whatever so we had to do CAPS. Unfortunately, it can kind of make it seem like the person telling the story is SUDDENLY at seemingly random PARTS.
  • It appears 13-year-old me didn't really know the proper definition of FUGITIVE. What an idiot. I mean, apparently there are some other definitions than the commonly known one, but still...
  • "Edward Chang"? Yeah, gotta have that token Asian character I guess.
  • Whovians should know who "John Smith" is implied to be (or at who he's a least a reference to.)
  • I think I included George Mason University as a place because my mother went there to do college stuff.
  • "Strachan MacDonald" originally was supposed to be a real celebrity, but I thought to myself "Hmm, what celebrity would decide to randomly show up at George Mason University of all places?" In the end, I decided to just make up a fictional celebrity, but I don't even explain who this guy is and why he's allegedly such a big deal so that kind of diminishes the impact of things a bit.
  • Strachan MacDonald drives a Red Barchetta because a) some other guy's PBworks story had a Bugatti in it and I felt like mimicking having a cool car in my story for some reason and b) I wanted to reference a Rush song.
  • I don't really think all of the UNIQUE WORDS are very fitting in my opinion. Like, I used SUBSTANTIAL to indicate that Strachan MacDonald is a celebrity or something, and even though one of the definitions for SUBSTANTIAL is "considerable in importance, value, degree, amount, or extent" (according to Wordnik), it still doesn't feel like that was the best word I could have used to express what I wanted to express. Also, "ENTREATED very hard"? What? I think that's technically not incorrect (ENTREAT does mean request or beg or something along those lines), but I still feel like maybe I could have improved that part. I mean, the entire story kind of needs at least improvement if not an overhaul in order to be good but you get what I'm saying, right?
  • I don't think I actually know too much about the band Nickelback since I don't think I've listened to a full song from them (at least not to my knowledge; maybe I did once but then forgot, idk), but apparently it's hated by a lot of people so that's the joke I guess. My older brother apparently went to one of their concerts though.
  • I sort of understand some of the messaging behind this, but at the same time I think I could probably make something nowadays that approaches it in a better way. Like, this story just seems to be like "social outcasts can become automatically cool if they hang out with celebrities" or something like that. The better moral would just be "you shouldn't care what others think of you (for the most part at least); instead, just focus on being a good person" or something along those lines.
  • There are some minor grammatical errors, but believe me when I say those are not nearly as bad as the other problems with this story.
Yeah, this story sucks. I mean, to be fair, having specific instructions on what to include in a story and having a limited amount of time to write said story can sort of affect the quality of a story in that way, but still the story sucks even for what it is. The characters more or less suck (some characters actually don't seem to do much more than just exist), the way the writing really sucks, and the way it seems to address being an outcast, even if it may have had good intentions, isn't really the best. I wouldn't necessarily say that every part of this is bad, but at the same time any good parts don't really save the story from being cringe. I wouldn't argue it's the worst story I've written, but it's still pretty cringy looking back. I do think this story is worse than the previous one, though. More stories, including ones possibly worse than this one, will eventually be released. However, the next entry in this series actually isn't a story but rather more of a "write a paragraph about X" homework assignment. Stay tuned for whenever that comes out, I guess. Anyways, that's the end of this entry in this series. Sorry if any of the cringe in the story damaged you in any way. Have a good rest of your day.
Posted by TheNewTK421's Avatar
Level 28 : Expert Miner

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