Minecraft Data Packs / Adventure

yeloh's Titles [v1.3 - Structure Titles + Config Options]

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yeloh's Avatar yeloh
Level 20 : Expert uwu
yeloh's Titles is a simple datapack which displays a title whenever you enter a biome or travel between dimensions, giving Minecraft more of an RPG feel.

yeloh's Titles supports all 61 vanilla biomes (including cave biomes!), as well as the 3 dimensions - Overworld, Nether and The End. It also displays titles in the language you have chosen in your Minecraft settings. And yes, it does work for every language!

yeloh's Titles displays titles when you enter structures, too! It also generates a random name for every village you enter, to give you a full RPG experience! The length of the names can range anywhere from 1 to 3 syllables.

This datapack has a couple settings which allow you to customize its features to your liking. You can do that using these commands:

  • /trigger actionbar - titles of biomes you have previously discovered are gonna appear above your XP bar and be a lot smaller (Remember to /reload every time you toggle this setting)
  • /trigger biomes - toggle biome titles completely (Remember to /reload every time you toggle this setting)
  • /trigger disable - disable titles appearing in the surrounding area (20 blocks around the spot where you execute this command)
  • /trigger custom - mark a custom settlement area as a village (this makes the datapack generate a name for your settlement, like it would for a village)
yeloh's Titles also works with Terralith biomes (only in English), as long as you install the Terralith biomes add-on! Make sure you place the add-on above the base datapack.
CreditInspired by YUNGNICKYOUNG's Traveler's Titles mod.
CompatibilityMinecraft 1.18

3 Update Logs

Update #3 : by yeloh 02/26/2022 4:32:46 pmFeb 26th, 2022

Version 1.3:
  • Added titles for structures!
  • Added 4 customization commands!

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04/03/2022 10:16 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
JoaoGamer13678's Avatar
It's weird and annoying going underground in a cave and seeing the name of biomes appearing in your screen.
03/16/2022 12:53 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Benhemoth's Avatar
Hi, I'm still unable to edit settings using commands.
03/03/2022 1:12 pm
Level 61 : High Grandmaster Dwarf
MrOminous's Avatar
Could you make it compatible with Incendium?
02/25/2022 1:10 am
Level 35 : Artisan Carrot
Runnybabbit223's Avatar
I really love this datapack concept!

Is it possible to add a feature that lets players designate areas as a 'village' so that custom settlements can have a name popup like with naturally generated villages?
02/25/2022 4:58 pm
Level 20 : Expert uwu
yeloh's Avatar
Yes, it definitely is possible. I will add that soon!
02/28/2022 9:07 pm
Level 35 : Artisan Carrot
Runnybabbit223's Avatar
Awesome! :]
02/24/2022 3:26 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
Ghost3030's Avatar
Ok great, but a small thing.
I have my home at junction of forest and plains biome, so everytime I get out of main door, I get plains text, and when Inside home, gets a forest text😂😂.
Any idea to improve this thing. Like configuration to disable some chunks, or something like that? Or cooldown of few minutes for that specific biome?
02/24/2022 4:54 pm
Level 20 : Expert uwu
yeloh's Avatar
The option to disable certain chunks is actually a good idea, so I will add that soon! In the meantime, the next update will make the names of biomes you have previously discovered a lot smaller and show them right above your XP bar, so that will probably help to some degree.
02/25/2022 6:07 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
Ghost3030's Avatar
Hmm, I think making them small will ruin datapack, I mean if someone goes on exploration, so that won't make sense, so I guess, disabling chunks option is best.

Otherwise you are developer. Your wish is superior. :)
02/21/2022 12:33 am
Level 62 : High Grandmaster Artist
9redwoods's Avatar
Awesome! It would be great to see this expanded upon, such as displaying the text on the actionbar the second time you enter the biome/village so that it won't be so intrusive. Perhaps also an option to disable text appearing for biomes?
Do villages keep their names?
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