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Who Reads Blogs?

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CraftyFoxe's Avatar CraftyFoxe
Retired Moderator
Level 82 : Elite Fox


I'm wondering how many people actually take the time to read blogs? How much time do you spend on a blog? I'm certain that blogs can really just look like a blob of text and there are some that have way too much writing. Do you just read the title and just briefly skim through the text to see, reading a few lines and you are off? I'm guilty of this sometimes, but for good blogs that interest me of course I'll read it all.

I know for a fact there are people who will just look at a blog's surface and just diamond without even taking the time to read it. Cool that you got a diamond, but is it really worth anything if it isn't read? Maybe somehow it can influence how popular your blog is going to be and make more people click it, but I don't think it's worth to you personally. Now of course not all of you guys do that, but sometimes I wonder if how many people read the text? How many people are going to read this blog that I'm writing right now? 


Yea I haven't written a blog in almost a month and this is one of many topics that I would like to write about that just popped into my head. Now back to the point, if your audience isn't reading your blogs then you are doing something wrong. I think that you've got to write to appeal to whomever. For example if it's to a younger audience, you gotta add some pictures. OOOoooo. kitty from Google Images :3
Who Reads Blogs?

and how about making your text in a large font so it fills up your page
like how you wish you can write your English class paper. WHAT ABOUT CAPS FOR NO REASON. How about some colors 2! Wat about riting liek dis. I r kool. ;).
Ya I cri evrytiem :'(.
RIP English
lf you want to read "moar"...
Did you like the contrast from the top to the bottom? I think some people may find the bottom style more eye catching and cool and some people may prefer just a decent text that's sectioned off and I do like pictures because I'm a visual person. I personally enjoy blogs with normal looking text without the pizzazz. I think how you write the blog impacts how much people will read. I think that you should find a balance between the two and there are also some blogs that are best to be funky because it's funny and it all depends.

I like Trains!
Does it even matter if people don't read all of your blog? Well no it doesn't. Reading a blog on Planet Minecraft isn't essential to survival and most blogs won't help you in the real world. The only thing that it can bring you is possibly knowledge and entertainment. The point of writing a blog is for your enjoyment and your audience's. It's a way to express to people what you think and for others to respond. If Bob skims through a blog. but gets the general message that I'm giving, that's fantastic! Though the more people read, the better job you are doing because they are interested.

Blah blah blah?!!
If you've come this far in reading, I congratulate you! I thank you for what you do! Not many people read blogs in their entirely. Even if you just read most or parts of the blogs, I'm glad you read even a little bit and you probably are busy with more important matters. Well I hope you guys have a nice day. Sorry if this blog is weird to you, has any spelling/grammar mistakes,or you just don't like it.

TL;DR: The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.

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08/10/2016 12:22 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Lego Builder
dushDJ's Avatar
Omg i HATE blogs where the persn takz leik dis. it gets annoying. when i know that its some kid who can type well
03/10/2016 7:29 pm
Level 27 : Expert Network
Pines's Avatar
people read them
03/06/2016 3:41 pm
Level 40 : Master Cowboy
TwizZted_uP's Avatar
TBH i read like 20 words

03/06/2016 5:07 pm
Level 82 : Elite Fox
CraftyFoxe's Avatar
03/07/2016 3:36 pm
Level 40 : Master Cowboy
TwizZted_uP's Avatar
PMC is getting' boring
03/07/2016 3:40 pm
Level 82 : Elite Fox
CraftyFoxe's Avatar
well what kind of stuff would make it less boring?
03/08/2016 12:29 pm
Level 40 : Master Cowboy
TwizZted_uP's Avatar
New website design

(You heard it here first :) )
03/08/2016 5:18 pm
Level 82 : Elite Fox
CraftyFoxe's Avatar
yea that would be cool.
03/03/2016 8:08 pm
Level 16 : Journeyman Archer
cbx's Avatar
I gave up a while ago
03/03/2016 6:56 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Artist
123_aqua_blue's Avatar
i read blogs :)
hobo joe
03/03/2016 11:53 am
Level 65 : High Grandmaster Musician
hobo joe's Avatar
I remember when I was really into blogs, wait, that was 4 years ago...damn I'm getting old 0_0

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