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Trolling the "PMC Employees"

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Turtleshell_Luck's Avatar Turtleshell_Luck
Level 52 : Grandmaster Turtle
Hello PMC. I'm sure all us server owners/mods/admins, etcs. have had to deal with those "I'm from PMC. OP me" fakes. Well, I was inspired to troll them using some steps I got from a blog. The conversations were rather humorous!

(For safety purposes, I am not using any true Minecraft Account names
I am turtleshell_luck. I have also taken out any etc. chat going on while I was talking to the "PMC employee", as all the chats happened through private minecraft messages)

Wanna know how I did it? How I got all the Trolls to work? Well check out this Behind the Scenes and FAQ

Conversation 1

stoopid123: Hello I'm from PMC, and I would like to review this server.

turtleshell_luck: Wait, really? This is amazing! I'll show you around!

stoopid123: Actually, I'd prefer to look around on my own. Just give me admin powers.

turtleshell_luck: Aren't pandas great?

stoopid123: huh??

turtleshell_luck: I said Pandas. Y'know the bear?

stoopid123: ye, i know what pandas are. but u said u'd gimme admin powers.

turtleshell_luck: wanna know the best part of pandas?

stoopid123: i really just want to review your server...

turtleshell_luck: they are BLACK and WHITE! How non-racist. Right?

stoopid123: look, im busy, gimme admin powers or im not giving this letting this server on PMC anymore?

turtleshell_luck: ok, hold on, just let me type out the command.

stoopid123: thanks

(about a minute later)

stoopid123: excuse me? almost done?

turtleshell_luck: with what?

turtleshell_luck: Aren't pandas great?

stoopid123: thats it! you have 1 minute till this server gets taken off PMC.

turtleshell_luck: What is PMC?

stoopid123: Planet Minecraft -.-

turtleshell_luck: Wait! thats what it means???? I thought it stood for Poking Monster Carrots, cuz that'd be awesome.

stoopid123: give me admin now. or else.

turtleshell_luck: Pandas!

stoopid123 has been banned.

Nice, what'd you think? Pretty funny, right? But the next ones even better

Conversation 2

brokenmind65: im from PMC, ive come here to review the server. gimme OP, it makes it easier.

turtleshell_luck: sorry, I hate PMC. Its my least favorite mc website. Infact, I should ban you just for saying those letters in my territory.

brokenmind65: ??? you really hate PMC? what mc website do you like?

turtleshell_luck: I'd have to say mining&crafting is my favorite. (not a real website

brokenmind65: Really? I work there too! We are partner websites believe it or not.

turtleshell_luck: Whoa really? What level are you?

brokenmind65: 85

turtleshell_luck: but There aren't any levels on that website! you must be lying.

brokenmind65: Only the employees get levels, its a special thing. now give me OP please. I need to look around.

turtleshell_luck: What's op?

brokenmind65: Y'know, like operating powers so i can review more easily?

turtleshell_luck: Why are you reviewing my server?

brokenmind65: I already told u, I work at that mining&crafting.

turtleshell_luck: I hate that server. PMC is my favorite.

brokenmind65 left the game

Conversation 3

yod00g: hi. i am from PMC and I will be admin so that you will get a good review

yod00g: hello?

yod00g: i am from PMC

yod00g: hello?

turtleshell_luck: Whats PMC?

yod00g: y'know, the best minecraft site there is.

turtleshell_luck: Whats minecraft?

yod00g: its this really cool game where you can build and stuff.

turtleshell_luck: are you being serious?

yod00g: wait.... oh yeah.. lol... I need admin powers!

(I realized about now that this was probably a naive 5-9 year who was not smart, so I tried to push the envelope a little)

yod00g: hello? I'd like admin powers.

turtleshell_luck: Wrong. I work for Mojang, the Minecraft Company. I'm undercover trying to find fake PMC employees and I take care of them. You should explain this to your parents.

yod00g: wait! Im just a kid, joking around for fun cuz I want diamonds. Please dont do anything

turtleshell_luck: Too late. You will probably be sent to juvy, which is the school for law-breakers, for about 5 years. Tell your parents.

yod00g: You can't do that! i cant get in trouble!

turtleshell_luck: Bunnies are adorable.

yod00g: please! leave me alone.

turtleshell_luck: They have such cute ears. I want to hug each and everyone of them

yod00g: what?

turtleshell_luck: Your going to get arrested kid.

yod00g: My parents say your joking and bullying me!

turtleshell_luck: I'm guessing your like a naive 5 year old, right?

yod00g left the game.

Conversation 4

joejoe500: i am from PMC and would like to get admin powers

turtleshell_luck: I like that website

joejoe500: Yes, and if you give me admin powers i can help your server out.

turtleshell_luck: This isn't my server

joejoe500: It says owner next to your name

turtleshell_luck: its my minecraft name

joejoe500: your name is red?

turtleshell_luck: how rude... i should ban you for saying that.

joejoe500: saying what? your name IS RED!!!

turtleshell_luck: well of course it is, I'm the owner.

joejoe500: You just said you weren't you (bad words) admin.

turtleshell_luck: If you keep using that language im gonna have to ban you

joejoe500: I thought you weren't the owner!

turtleshell_luck: Your an idiot... my name is [Owner] turtleshell_luck in big red letters... how could I not be the owner?

joejoe500: (bad words) you (bad word) troll im gonna (bad bad things) to you and your server (bad words)

turtleshell_luck: i dont really care... I'm not the owner.

joejoe500 left the game (not the best one but still pretty good)

Conversation 5 (this guy was very official) (also, this was not me, but the co-owner of the server, but he didn't want his name included)

r0ttott0r: Hello! I am From PMC, Planet Minecraft and would love to review your server, get it more noticed all around!

r0ttott0r: I just need OP to make sure everything is official!

turtleshell_luck: OP, eh? Your gonna have to be more specific there, you could be talking about anything.

r0ttott0r: OP, like powers to fly and stuff!

turtleshell_luck: Doesn't OP stand for Octopus P**is? Thats gross!

r0ttott0r: No! It stands for Operating Powers. And with them, I can get your server to be one of the best.

turtleshell_luck: Did you know the plural of Octopus is Octopi?

r0ttott0r: I'm very busy, so could you please hurry up with the OP.

turtleshell_luck: Octopus are my favorite 8-legged living thing. Are they the only ones?

r0ttott0r: I'm getting this server shut down if you don't give me what I want.

turtleshell_luck: How could you shut down my server?

r0ttott0r: I'm from PMC.

turtleshell_luck: Porcupine Marsupial Chimpanzees! Those are my three favorite animals!

r0ttott0r: I know your trolling me, but I assure you, I truly am from PMC.

turtleshell_luck: What is your PMC name?

r0ttott0r: Soulstealer (no joke, he tried to pull this off!)

turtleshell_luck: Really? Soul, its me John! We go to school together!
(Now we tricked him)
r0ttott0r: Oh yeah! hey John, I didn't know you owned a server.

turtleshell_luck: What do you mean? You set the whole thing up for me... oh this isn't one of your other accounts then, your not the real SS

r0ttott0r: I am! Your not one of my friends. I was trolling you to get back from before but I really am Soulstealer!

turtleshell_luck: Whats Soulstealer?

r0ttott0r: A famous player on PMC

turtleshell_luck: How many Porcupine Marsupial Chimpanzees does he have?

r0ttott0r: Stop trolling me, please, I just want admin powers.

turtleshell_luck: Well, here is the funny part. I gave them to you about 5 minutes ago, you just didn't notice because you were so obliviously trying to argue with me in a conversation going no where.


turtleshell_luck: Actually, I believe this is around the time where I ban you. (No joke, he had admin powers the entire time and didn't notice, most of the people noticed when we tried this and were banned right away, but this guy was not as smart as he first seemed)

Conversation 6

turtleshell_luck: Welcome to the server.

nuisance1000: Hello. I am from Planet Minecraft, I work there.

turtleshell_luck: Really?!?

nuisance1000: Yes, and i would like to make your server one of the greatest ones, all I want is OP.

turtleshell_luck: Sorry... i can't do that. Its against my religion.

nuisance1000: ??? i just want admin powers.

turtleshell_luck: Yeah, I'm part of a religion that forbids typing the letter "p" on my keyboard so i wont be able to type "/op". Sorry

nuisance1000: what? stop f**king with me and gimme powers. i can make your server the greatest.

turtleshell_luck: ok... hold on, just let me type my command.
(about 5 minutes later)
nuisance1000: yo dude... can i have em yet?

turtleshell_luck: Have what?

nuisance1000: My op

turtleshell_luck: Yeah, sure... but remember how i told you about my religion?

nuisance1000: yes... the one where you cant type p or something. now OP!!! or else I hack you.

turtleshell_luck: yeah, well don't worry. I ordered a keyboard that doesn't have a "p" key.

turtleshell_luck: We just have to wait 3-6 weeks for delivery.

nuisance1000: (bad words) Thats it! Im hacking you! your server and computer are gonna be gone b*tch

nuisance1000: get ready to get hacked, lol

turtleshell_luck: Why are you doing this to me???

nuisance1000: your a faggot

turtleshell_luck: in my religion that means "God" so thank you

nuisance1000: your lucky I dont know how to hack

turtleshell_luck: you literally just said you were going to hack me?? was that just a cruel joke.

nuisance1000: yo dude gimme admin powers or i'll hack you.

turtleshell_luck: look, I'd love to, but your stupidity is beginning to get so high my faith in humanity is lowering, so

turtleshell_luck: I'm gonna ban you, mostly because you just threatened to hack me after admitting

turtleshell_luck: you don't know how, so bye.

nuisance1000: yo dude i'm f*ckin hackin you. say goodbye to your computer

and... he was banned

Conversation 7

turtleshell_luck: Hello! Welcome to the Server!

stupenguin68: Hi! Actually, I am from PMC, and I can actually make your server even more popular.

turtleshell_luck: Etes-vous vraiment?

stupenguin68: wut??? why you speaking spanish (its actually french)

turtleshell_luck: Eh bien, permet de discuter en vous donnant des pouvoirs spéciaux

stupenguin68: You can probably read English, right? Well give me ADMIN and I will help your server.

turtleshell_luck: Did you know the singular version of the word skittles is skittle? I was 4 when I learned that.

stupenguin68: WTH? dude, i can see you read and speak English, givmme admin so i can help your server.

turtleshell_luck: I will give you admin, if you can answer my trivia question.

stupenguin68: okay, but for annoying me, im gonna take some points away from you on PMC.

turtleshell_luck: Here is the trivia question: What word rhymes with "sand" and is about to happen to you?

stupenguin68 has been banned

Conversation 8

wrongsir55: I am a planetminecraft emplyee and im supposed to get owner powers.

turtleshell_luck: I am a traveler from South India who found a Diamond Octopus Tentacle.

wrongsir55: lol, ok

turtleshell_luck: wanna know how I found the tentacle, its a great story!

wrongsir55: huh?

turtleshell_luck: So there I was, at South India, me and partner Jovy. Jovy is a native american.

wrongsir55: lol... umm... im from PMC, like i said before. i need owner abilities

turtleshell_luck: Jovy and me found a temple, with nothing but our hands and potato chips.

wrongsir55: yeah... i need the power.

turtleshell_luck: Not the potato chips your thinking of, but a much better one.

wrongsir55: im strting to lose my patience... your gonna get off of PMC

turtleshell_luck: Now, in the temple, there were some evil monkeys, sort of the ones in the app, Temple Run

wrongsir55: I like Temple Run... but your pissin me off right now, so i need owner.

turtleshell_luck: The monkeys got Jovy, but I stole the treasure while they were eating him!

wrongsir55: F*ck you and your server.

turtleshell_luck: Thanks for listening, now.. here are your admin powe- Wait! Did you just

turtleshell_luck: curse... on MY server! Thats it, your done!

wrongsir55 has been banned

Conversation 9

doodisgreat: I am from Planet Minecraft, and i will give your server 65 diamonds for admin and owner, and creative.

turtleshell_luck: nah, I'm on creative mode, so I already have infinite diamonds, but thanks

doodisgreat: I meant on PMC! LOL!

turtleshell_luck: Shut up you coward.

doodisgreat: What? I am from PMC, and your losing diamonds for that.

turtleshell_luck: I got infinite, what now?

doodisgreat: I mean on PMC you f*cking faggot

turtleshell_luck: Did you know the real definition of faggot is a bundle of sticks?

doodisgreat: what? stop f*cking with me.

turtleshell_luck: I'm serious, Google it.

doodisgreat: Your getting hacked and banned from PMC faggot

turtleshell_luck: If I was really a bundle of sticks could i play minecraft? Silly boy..

doodisgreat left the game


Time for the funniest... the Greatest....

The most hilarious.... eye-catching.... bestest...

Troll ever...

People say trolls this good don't exist... so get ready to laugh your pants off...
Just click the box and get your laugh box ready...
Conversation 10
Trolling the "PMC Employees"
I never stop Trolling!!! Bet that was disappointing! But look at the bright side! You are alive! No Conversation 10.

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06/18/2019 4:58 pm
Level 27 : Expert Artist
KittyCat12346's Avatar
once somebody tried to use the 'i'm from pmc' thing on me but i said, 'wow, me too!' i'm not sure if they meant as an employee or a member, but they left after i said that.
10/11/2018 12:38 am
Level 19 : Journeyman Pokemon
DrownedPound's Avatar

09/08/2018 7:29 pm
Level 46 : Master Skinner
WilliamJT's Avatar
This is so funny!
08/17/2018 4:59 am
Level 9 : Apprentice Birb
DukkiStuff's Avatar
08/15/2018 1:17 pm
Level 38 : Artisan Artist
Antiquez's Avatar
07/10/2018 11:54 pm
Level 36 : Artisan Procrastinator
vamp1e's Avatar
04/02/2018 6:01 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Architect
subpartikel's Avatar
wow. that was amazing.
03/26/2018 9:54 am
Level 32 : Artisan Engineer
afyber's Avatar
this is so funny, especially if it accually happend
03/24/2018 3:51 pm
Level 30 : Artisan Procrastinator
Elizardbeth's Avatar
I've read this so many times, but it still makes me laugh xD
03/11/2018 11:41 am
Level 20 : Expert Miner
anonpmc1572080's Avatar
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