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[S:1 C:6] Stories from the Dutal Mansion

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Ender Sparkle's Avatar Ender Sparkle
Level 39 : Artisan Enderdragon
Season 1: The Time Machine
Chapter 6: Stories from the Dutal Mansion
*kzzzz-kzzzzzzT... Do- do-o you hear me-ee?*

That's what Ender Sparkle heard, as soon as she went back into the Time Machine and turned on the radio.

- Professor Steve? I thought we lost contact after I traveled back in time.

- I finally managed to *kzzKTTK* connect. This is quite a stable *zzt* timespace coordinate. I heard you got a pharaoh mummy in there?

- Huh? How did you know that?

- It's my invention, Ender, remember? *zzzztttttK* I'm not angry or anything. In fact, *khzyyk* my calculations have shown you have prevented husks to take over the whole desert! *zztk*

- So you can contact Wither King?

- No, they made some changes. Those monochromatic colors, *kzzt* message crypting systems... But mostly, *zyyk* they plagiarized. I almost lost a lot of data *kkkzt* in attempt of contacting them. I think you'll have to talk to him in per-son *ZZZZZKT*.

And the call ended. E.S. arrived at the destination.

Ender Sparkle was destined to be an explorer, always seeking new adventures and challenges in the world of Minecraft. No undead could scare her, no treasure could be missed. She had traveled through many lands and conquered countless quests, but now, her timeless journey would take her to a place she always wanted to see closer than from a book's perspective: a Dutal Mansion. Dutal was a name very known among Lagers, both of gray and peachy skin colors. Similar building often are spotted in present times, also known as woodland mansions, but this one was bigger and it had white concrete. Ender Sparkle was in awe, how beautiful this palace was. Without hesitation, she entered the mansion, ready to explore every single chamber of it. The first room she entered was the grand hall, with its high ceilings and elegant tapestries adorning the walls. Ender was wandering through the hall, when suddenly she heard a voice.

- (Lady Faustine) Welcome, traveler. I am Lady Faustine, a baroness and owner of this mansion.

Ender Sparkle was very surprised by the unexpected encounter, but also very scared. In fact, the Dutal Mansion was on the west hemicube, where dragons are considered evil. Add that to wandering on someone else's property uninvited and we get a fight scene. But nothing happened.

- (Lady Faustine) Don't worry, I don't want to punish you for anything. You didn't even do anything. I am happy to have a guest for the first time since...

- (awkward silence, Ender Sparkle looks at Lady Faustine with curiosity)

- (Lady Faustine) *sigh* Nevermind. You look at me like you wanted to explore my mansion...

- Uhh... Yeah, that's what I wanted to say!

And so, Lady Faustine and E.S. went exploring the mansion. The baroness told Ender Sparkle about the history of the palace and the challenges she faced in her life. She spent her childhood in Baranti, but after spiders killed majority of her town, she needed to travel to this place. She was pompous and arrogant, until she met Moby, a kid in her age who taught her gardening. This became Maria's hobby. The second flower she ever grew was given to Moby as a token of gratitude. Ender Sparkle, in return for that story, told Lady Faustine about life as a civilized Ender Dragon, about time travels and many more. When they were discussing about which cheese tastes better, they suddenly heard quiet groans coming from outside.

- What's going on the outside?

- (Lady Faustine) Oh, nothing. The sun begins to set, and undead monsters arise. Today is the new moon, so the undead are going to release the worst of the worst rotting abominations known to Man and Lagers. That's why there were no people in the palace - they are all setting up the TNT canons and getting ready to fight. We're struggling with this problem for over 3 months. Since then, I didn't have any guests. They just couldn't make it.

- Let's try something. - said Ender Sparkle, as she picked up some redstone dust and string, and went to the nearby crafting table - Let's wrap this redstone in strings, twist and squeeze it, and ta-a! We got a wire! It's twice as powerful than just redstone on the ground. The TNTs will be launched twice as fast!

- (Lady Faustine) But what about the zombies that are closer?

- I'll support the infantry. - and E.S. ran straight into the battle. She got in a quite big jam, but Ender Sparkle could easily defeat them with her sword and experience with wither skeletons. Our favourite dragon spotted in the second-death bodies an interesting detail: the zombies were just mead armors for Wither Skeletons - that was the reason why the battle was so hard! But... Something happened. Ender Sparkle had a feeling thing would complicate very soon. And she was right.

- (Lady Faustine) I was bitten by that darn zombie... What do I do?

- This is bad. Very bad, but I can help. First, you need to lay down. I would reccomend the mini-hospital room. - Both of them go there, and Ender Sparkle tells Lady Faustine what's next. - You need to stay still, and I need a Potion of Weakness. Additionally, we need a Golden Apple. Since you're a human, this will be harder, because we need an enchanted one. Do you have any?

- (Lady Faustine) I have one...

- Great, so let's begin curing yo-

- (Lady Faustine) But I don't want to use it...

Ender Sparkle looked at Lady Faustine with disbelief and a face that said "Are you kidding me?!"

- (Lady Faustine) I know this is weird, but that apple is very special to me.

- Lady Faustine, I respect your opinion, but if we don't use it, you'll turn into a zombie...

- (Lady Faustine) *sigh* This apple was given to me by Moby. This was the last gift from him before he died in the first day of those zombie invasions.

- I- I'm sorry for your loss, Lady Faustine. I'm pretty sure Moby would want you to eat the apple. For your own good.

- Thank you. Moby will always be remembered in my heart. But now, I need to live.

Ender Sparkle then applied the cure, and went back to the battlefield. Ender Sparkle definitely DID NOT expect a BLOOD MOON and an UNDEAD COLLOSUS. The battle was very challenging, many TNT cannons were sacrificed in the process, but when the titan hath fallen, moon got its silver glow back, making rest of the zombies retreat. What was weird was the fact that the colossus was black bone mech with bio-armor. Inside the mech was Wither King and few other wither skeletons. They soon escaped to their time machine and time-traveled away. The sun was rising, and Ender Sparkle had to depart soon. She looked at the Dutal Mansion for the last time, and disappeared in this timespace.

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