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Millennium: Chapter 2

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ThatKidAh's Avatar ThatKidAh
Level 28 : Expert Skinner


I finished the song with a final note and looked at DNA.

“How was that?”

“That was 98.67% accurate.”

“Good enough for me.” I shrugged.

I put the saxophone back into its case and closed it, laying it back into the chest. I laid back on my bed and stared at the ceiling. Glancing at the clock, it was 2 PM. As I laid there, worry started to settle back into the silence, invading my mind. It seemed to be inescapable at the moment but I tried to push it out of my head. The crew had been testing things for months, so why would something go wrong now? Right? I shook my head and sat up, DNA was staring at me.

“What?” I arched an eyebrow at him.

“Your heart rate is elevated.” He said.

“Okay..? I think I’m going to go for a walk.” He nodded in reply.

I walked downstairs, My dad was watching the news, sitting on the couch. He glared at me as I fidgeted with the string of my jacket. He gestured for me to come sit down.

“Come sit with me for a second.” He said.

“Yes, Dad?” I said, sitting down next to him as he put his arm around me.

“First off, what you just played on the saxophone sounded good. Second, where were you going?”

“Oh. I was going to walk around for a bit.” I pushed my glasses up on my face subconsciously.

“Ah, I see. Be home by dinner, alright?” He said and I nodded in reply.

I stood up and waved to him, leaving moments later. I walked down the sidewalks of the street, it was surprisingly not too busy despite it being this time of day. I headed for the park, the place where I usually would walk around. I trailed down the concrete pathways of the park, there were some people around, dogs as well. I looked down at my feet, occasionally looking up. There was quite a bit of noise, but not the kind that would become irritating.. Birds, wind, faint talking, things of that sort. I started to hum to myself as I continued to walk.

It had been two hours since I had left before I decided to start heading back. I wasn’t the slightest bit tired from the walk despite being out and about for so long. I walked into the front door, using the keys in my pocket to unlock it. My Dad was standing there in the kitchen to the right.

“Well you were out for a while!” He teased with a short laugh. “Welcome back.”

“Heh- Thanks. I like to think to myself when walking and that drones on and on and then when you finally decide to check, whoop! It’s been 2 hours.” I gave him a thumbs up.

“My gosh.. Young adult psychology?? It has been revealed to me!” He exclaimed with a fake gasp.

“Dad..” I shook my head and facepalmed. He was always such a character, for as long as I could remember.

And now.. Here comes.. Dad!! The memory flashed through my head of him coming out from the bedroom, with his face painted. His football phase.. An interesting time.

He placed down two plates at the dinner table, I couldn’t really tell what was on it. I pulled out the chair slightly and sat down, sliding it back in once more.

“So.. did anything happen on your walk?” He asked, starting to eat.

“Not really..” I started to eat as well after, he nodded to me.

We sat there for about twenty minutes, eating. The silence allowed my mind to go back into its thoughts, mostly consisting of random questions, school, and of course the launch happening in two days.

“Are you excited for the 18th?” He said, in reference to the launch.

“I guess so, just worried.” I said looking up at him.

“I figured, and that’s normal. I mean, being launched into space isn’t the most calming thing.” He shrugged.

“Worried something is going to happen.”

“Don’t worry something is going to happen, Fae. The team has been testing things for months, training you on what to do in certain situations. I’ll be behind the screen as well.” He grabbed my hand and smiled at me.

“I know, but what if something happens that I don’t know how to fix or solve?”

“You’re a smart girl, Fae. You’ve been a problem-solver all your life. You can do things you don’t even know you can do.”

“Thanks Dad..” I gave him a smile. He was right, I needed to stop worrying about this.

We finished eating and started to clean up the table as well as wash dishes. My Dad then took me over to the couch and sat down with me. This had become a nightly routine; watching a movie in the living room.

“You know, Fae.. I’m just as worried as you are. I’m going to miss you. I’ll be by myself for a year and a half.” He said, wrapping his arm around me and pulling me into his side.

“I’m going to miss you too. I’ll be by myself as well.” I hugged him and he hugged me back. This felt safe and comforting. Knowing I had to leave this for approximately 547 days? Made me want to stay even more.

We turned on a movie and my Dad got up to go make popcorn. He would do that about every other night, especially on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. We sat there for the whole hour and 47 minute movie before turning the TV to a random show that would come on late at night. Another hour ticked by as it now approached 9:30 at night.

“I should start getting ready to leave. Will you be alright?” He said, starting to stand up.

“Yeah, hope your shift goes well.” I nodded at him.
He left and went inside the bedroom, starting to get ready. I trailed upstairs and got ready to go to sleep, DNA greeted me as I entered the bedroom.

“Hello, Fae. Are you preparing to sleep?”

“Yes, DNA. You should too. You’ve been on all day.” I picked him up and placed him in the charger.

“Goodnight.” He said, powering off as his visor went black.

I stood there, admiring him for a few moments and then laid down myself. It was surprisingly easy to go to sleep as my eyes closed.

When I opened my eyes next, it was still dark outside.. Or at least it seemed to be. I tried to sit up, my pillow sliding down my back and the sheets covered my face. I glared at the clock on the dresser, which read 5 am. I stood, deciding that was good enough for me.

I pulled out my desk chair and opened my laptop, and just as the morning before, my day was on repeat. I checked the schedule, seeing if I had any in-person classes I had to attend.

“Good Morning, Fae. You have two classes to attend today on Saturday, April 17th 2:00 PM PST Saturday, April 17th 3:00 PM PST.” He stated.

“Welp, that solved my problem. Thanks, DNA.”

Realizing it was Saturday, that was the only thing I needed to do today. I looked around the room, wondering what to do for the next 9 and a half hours till I needed to leave. I stepped over to my nightstand and unplugged my phone, sitting back down. I opened it and started to type.

Hey, Piper. I know this is early- haha.. But just wanted to check on how you were doing. <3

I pushed send and waited for it to say ‘Delivered,’ surprisingly, she seemed to be texting back.

Hey, Fae!! So glad to hear from you. I’m doing alright but can’t sleep. You coming to the classes at 2 and 3 today?

I read the message, smiling.

Ahh.. I couldn't either. Haven’t been able to for the past two days but whatever. I am, yes, I’ll see you then for sure.

‘Delivered.’ …

Okay! You excited for Sunday?

Sorta, kinda worried about it but that’s just me. I responded

Aye, that’s normal, Fae. You’ll be fine, I promise! I got to go now, see ya’ later?

Yep. Bye, Piper!

I closed my device and slid to the side of my desk. Opening my laptop, I started to work on projects that didn’t truly need to be done yet. Why waste time when I had nothing better to do? Wasn’t too hard anyways. It wasn’t long though before I heard the door open and shut downstairs at about 6:30. I stopped what I was doing and walked downstairs, waving to my Dad.

“Hey! Up again?” He asked, giving me a brief hug.

“I mean.. I am standing here so I guess so!” I shrugged, teasing him.

“That’s true.. Got anything to do today?”

“Two classes at 2 and 3. Nothing else otherwise though.”

“Alright, well, if you were doing something you could go back to that. I’m going to go to bed.” He smiled.

I waved to him and walked back upstairs, continuing what I had been doing before. I put some earbuds in, plugging them into my phone. I turned on the music, putting it about halfway up, just enough so that I could hear some stuff going on around me. After that, I didn’t pay attention to time and continued to do assignments as multiple hours flew by.

“Fae. It is 1 PM PST. It would be advisable to start preparing to leave for your two in-person classes.” DNA had waved his hand in front of my face to get my attention.

“Alright, thanks.” I nodded and started to get ready.

I trailed downstairs with my small backpack slung over my shoulder. DNA was in my arms.

“Going to class, Dad! See you later!” I waved to him, watching TV on the couch.

I got in my Dad’s car, a silver SUV and placed DNA on the seat beside me. He started to play music softly as I drove the 20-minute drive to the college campus. After parking, I trailed inside, knowing I had time, and carried DNA to class, taking a seat in the back.

An hour and a half had passed as I finished up the last class, now being 3:30 PM. I had stopped to talk to Piper in between classes, she was sitting next to me at the moment. We were dismissed within a few moments, I gathered my things and waved to her, saying bye. I drove home and walked inside to my Dad starting to make dinner.

“How’d class go?” He asked.

“Good, saw Piper.” I gave him a thumbs up and hung my bag on a hook in the hallway.

“Glad to hear.”

“Gonna go practice now, See you Dad.” I waved to him and trailed upstairs, taking out my saxophone.

I played about 3 songs, DNA giving me the accuracy on all of them. Something about playing the saxophone made me content, calmed, It was interesting. Afterwards I put it away and slipped it back into where it had been before. I was soon called down to dinner and me and my Dad ate, not speaking very much. We cleaned up, watched a movie and then he started to get ready for work and I went up to go to sleep. Tomorrow.. I would be launched into endless Outer Space, in a rocket, with no one. Not even DNA. The only contact would be through a screen. I stared at the ceiling, thinking to myself for hours. It consumed my thoughts for the time, unable to think of anything else.

Hello there! Thanks for reading Millennium Chapter 2 :D Hope you enjoyed! Links to other chapters are below.
Chapter 1: https://www.planetminecraft.com/blog/millennium-chapter-1/
Chapter 3: https://www.planetminecraft.com/blog/millennium-chapter-3/
Chapter 4: https://www.planetminecraft.com/blog/millennium-chapter-4/
Chapter 5: https://www.planetminecraft.com/blog/millennium-chapter-5/
Chapter 6: https://www.planetminecraft.com/blog/millennium-chapter-6/
Chapter 7: https://www.planetminecraft.com/blog/millennium-chapter-7/
Chapter 8: https://www.planetminecraft.com/blog/millennium-chapter-8/

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12/27/2023 1:40 pm
Level 22 : Expert Imposter
vonalzu's Avatar
As someone who played saxophone in band for years - playing a song with 98.67% accuracy is very impressive lol
12/27/2023 1:45 pm
Level 28 : Expert Skinner
ThatKidAh's Avatar
Lol! I kinda just went off Google I know nothing about saxophones
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