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Longest Tumble Round-Science Theory

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illager's Avatar illager
Level 58 : Grandmaster Meme
You wanna know something that has always stuck out to me? The old Legacy Console edition minigames. I LOOOOVED those games so much, often playing with my friends using the 4-player split screen. Even though those games are no-longer endorsed by Mojang I still occasionally sit and play them, while eating pizza.

I really loved Tumble and Battle in particular, and If you never played them I feel sorry for you. But how long could a game of Tumble take theoretically? The Battle games are pretty set-in-stone, always taking a set amount of time (unless everyone dies quickly). But how about Tumble? Could we get a game of Tumble that theoretically could take a whole week to finish? Probably not, but let’s see how much we can mess with the numbers.

A game of Tumble can take quite some time. Tumble rounds last for an indefinite amount of time, with the game ending only once a player has won 3 rounds total

Now, assuming that no-one moves, and everyone stays AFK, a single round could take years, but this isn’t about that… This is about something that is semi-reasonably recreatable.

A game of Tumble can have up to 16 players play at once, and if every player wins 2 times before one final player wins a 3rd, we can get a whole 33 rounds in before the game ends. Now we must consider how long a game lasts; after collecting data from both personal games and from YouTuber footage, I can conclude that a game of shovel Tumble lasts ≈5 minutes, and snowball Tumble lasts 6 (or 6.25 , depending on how one wishes to round the number).

But what about levitation potions? No-one ever seems to remember that they exist, and I seldom find a game where the host fancies them. I hated the levitation rounds with a deep passion due to how long they took. No one would ever die quickly, and assuming we had the right circumstances, we could give them hours of life.

I’m not kidding, a round of levitation potion Tumble can last around ≈34 minutes on average, with 8 levels each being 2 blocks thick!

Now we have some simple math, stating there are 33 rounds, each taking 22 minutes.


1,122minutes, or 18.70 hours! Imagine playing a single round of Tumble for 18 hours! That’s absurd! Anyway, I’m not really sure how to end this blog, so, SYA! Keep on LOOOORING!

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