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Interview with Lxnacorn ♡

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Winds_'s Avatar Winds_
Level 36 : Artisan Bunny
[F2U] Green Beauty

Hello, and welcome to my interview with Lxnacorn! ♥ She is a lovely and immensely talented skin creator who has been a member of PMC since 2017, and is still encouraging others with her beautiful creations and her vivacious friendship. :) I hope you enjoy our interview! x

My questions are in green; her answers are in light green.

Leaf Free Avatar

1. What inspired you to start making Minecraft skins?

1. I began playing Minecraft with my brothers in 2012-2013, so I was already pretty well acquainted with the game before I started creating skins in 2015. When it was brought to my attention that people could custom-make their own, personal avatars for Minecraft, I was immediately intrigued and wanted to give my go at it. My first attempt at "skinning" was a repulsive re-color of the default Alex skin, which has fortunately been kept from being posted online.

2. How did you discover PMC? What is one of your favourite memories of the site?

2. I was aware of PMC's existence for roughly a year prior to creating an account. I formerly played on a creative server (EDawg878) where I
met several folks who frequently wore beautiful skins with the most exhilarating shading techniques and color palettes. Naturally, I was curious as to where they found such lovely skins, especially since I was so used to seeing skins which were typically pillow-shaded on Skindex. Those folks sent me over to this site, where I discovered a large mass of incredibly skilled skin-artists. I studied a lot of the shading techniques and ways that those creators used colors, and eventually I picked up on hue-shifting just from staring at those skins for such long amounts of time.

3. Do you have a persona? If so, what inspired you to create them?

  3. I do indeed have a persona, her name is Luna. She has changed quite drastically over the years, and funnily enough I have plans on redesigning her once more in the near future. In all honesty, I really just wanted a character to sort of represent my YouTube channel, a mascot, if you will. From
there, she slowly started bleeding into becoming my profile pictures on the majority of my social medias under "Lxnacorn".

4. Do you have a favourite submission that you've made? Your favourite that someone else has made?

  4. I don't believe I've created a skin of which I favor considerably more than the others. I don't have a huge amount of skins that I'm allowed to show you guys as of now besides the ones I've already submitted to this website, so I am going to be irksome and answer this with one of my more recent skins: Kiwi. I'm pretty pleased with the colors I used on that one.

  My favorite skin of all time is easily the "glider girl" by the wonderful canday.

5. Who would you say has influenced or inspired you the most on PMC?

5. Largest skin-spirational artists to me (to name a few) have been: canday,-Lunatique, Michiru, VinylReplica, Nighthearted and DragonsDungeon. All of which who are outstandingly talented and skillful artists who never cease to amaze me with their sublime and resplendent skins. I would totally recommend giving their work a gander, you can learn so much from them all.

6. What other hobbies do you enjoy outside of PMC? Is there anything you've never done before, but would especially like to try doing in the future?

6. I absolutely love to create art, which I do both traditionally and digitally. I'm a player of lots of instruments, to name a few of my favorites: the banjo, guitar, mandolin, ukulele. I also love participating in practically any outdoor activity! Some other hobbies of mine include: Figure skating, martial arts, reading, photography, modeling, experimenting with make-up, sewing, illustrating & animation.

7. What is it like, working for the Minecraft Marketplace? Do you have a favourite skin pack you've created thus far? What is your favourite memory from working in the Marketplace?

 7. One of my favorite skin packs which I have created is "Parkour Bots". It's an older pack, but I am still pretty chuffed with the outcome of these
ten skins.
There's been lots of good & bad that I've dealt with while working for various Marketplace teams. I've worked with multiple Official
Minecraft Partners over the past four years and I'd say about 90% of the experiences I've encountered have been really amazing. I am so thankful for all of the opportunities I've been granted through each one. If you are interested in applying to join a team, please be 100% that you are being paid fairly for your work and the time you invest into your skin packs. Also be sure to read over NDAs & contracts before signing them!

8. What would you consider your greatest accomplishment here on PMC? In real life?

8. I'm always thrilled whenever I see that someone I look up to has commented, given diamonds to, or even favorited one of my skins. I really value their criticism and opinions, so I feel super special whenever they take their time to type something out under one of my skins.

  Recently I was approached by a Family Financial Management Specialist who inquired me to illustrate a finance book of his, so that has been a very time-consuming, yet rewarding project. That's one of my more recent accomplishments, I hope to be able to share that with you all one of these days. :)

9. What advice would you give to a new PMC member?

9. Try not to get caught up with numbers (i.e. subscribers, diamonds, favorites, etc). Focus on pin-pointing the areas which you wish to improve upon with your work, and practice on making those areas better. Be sure to give yourself breaks whenever you feel you need them in order that you don't burn yourself out. Ask for constructive criticism on your work, and try not to be hubristic when accepting criticism.

10. What is one cause that you especially believe in? Would you like to say anything about it to the community?

10. Certainly a controversial topic; but I believe that we are all sinners. I accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior many years ago, and it has been an entirely life-changing experience. I'd be glad to further elaborate in DMs if anyone is curious or has any questions!

11. Do you have a current goal for your content?

11. As of late, I have been experimenting with some subtle light-sources before I dip my toes into the crazy colorful or drastic ones. I'm currently working on a project which I'm hoping to upload in the near future! Ultimately, I am striving to elevate my content to it's highest potential, which I am well aware will more than likely take decades to achieve, but I am willing to accept that challenge. Watch me, I'll still be out here making skins in my mid 70's lol.

12. How would you describe yourself in three words?

12. Gracious, Vivacious, Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious ♥

Leaf Free Avatar

[F2U] Green Beauty

Thank you again to Lxnacorn for being with us today! I hope you enjoyed our interview. ♥

. . .

Interviews are currently being posted every Saturday.
Stay tuned for next weekend, and I hope you have a lovely day/evening! x
CreditLxnacorn- For being interviewed

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06/19/2022 10:52 pm
Level 53 : Grandmaster Mlem Mlem Bat
Angelonasher's Avatar
A beautiful and enjoyable read as always C: Thank you, Winds, for the interview, and thank you Lxnacorn for the answers C:
06/21/2022 8:11 pm
Level 36 : Artisan Bunny
Winds_'s Avatar
Thank you kindly! ^^ x
06/19/2022 12:04 pm
Level 74 : Legendary Princess
Mellie's Avatar
Oooh, so pretty! It was really fun to read <3
06/21/2022 8:10 pm
Level 36 : Artisan Bunny
Winds_'s Avatar
Thank you, dear! ♥ x
06/19/2022 1:46 am
Level 55 : Grandmaster Cowboy
Lxnacorn's Avatar
Thank you so much for this opportunity, it was so fun! ♥ The layout is beautiful, I love how the colors & banners match the theme of my profile!
06/21/2022 8:10 pm
Level 36 : Artisan Bunny
Winds_'s Avatar
It was my pleasure entirely! ♥ I’m very glad you enjoyed the interview. :)
06/18/2022 3:51 pm
Level 46 : Master Zombie
Laser_Cat_'s Avatar
:o i love the thumbnail
06/21/2022 8:10 pm
Level 36 : Artisan Bunny
Winds_'s Avatar
Thank you!
06/18/2022 2:45 pm
Level 28 : Expert Blueberry
Eshii's Avatar
it's always nice to learn about other creators on the site :)
06/21/2022 8:10 pm
Level 36 : Artisan Bunny
Winds_'s Avatar
I must agree! That’s the delightful thing about hosting interviews; being able to learn and be inspired by so many different creators. :) ♥
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