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How to pronounce Creative_Kylee

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Domolas's Avatar Domolas
Level 40 : Master Cookie
Today, I'll be showing you how to pronounce Creative_Kylee's name.

The first part of the name, "Creative", is just pronounced as the word "creative". Nothing peculiar with that.

The second part of the name, "Kylee", actually changes depending on the time of day.
Between 0:00 and 1:59 UTC, the K is the C in cat, the Y is the IE in lie, the L is the L in look, and the EE is the EE in see.
Between 2:00 and 3:59 UTC, the K is silent, the Y is the CH in loch, the L is the A in car, the first E is the N in no, and the second E is the R in roll.
Between 4:00 and 5:59 UTC, the K is the P in push, the Y is the A in hand, the L is the N in net, the first E is the D in dad, and the second E is the A in car.
Between 6:00 and 7:59 UTC, the K is a glottal stop (the pause in "uh-oh"), the Y is silent, the L is the A in bad, and the EE is the SH in shop.
Between 8:00 and 9:59 UTC, the K is pronounced like the J in juice, the Y is pronounced like the EE in see, the L is pronounced like the Z in zoo, the first E is pronounced like the A in about, and the second E is pronounced like the S in sand.
Between 10:00 and 11:59 UTC, the K is the H in hand, the Y is the A in car, the L is the "tsk" sound used to call cats, and the EE is the OO in book.
Between 12:00 and 13:59 UTC, the K is the R in ram, the Y is silent, the L is the I in bit, and the EE is the X in box.
Between 14:00 and 15:59 UTC, the K is the glottal stop (see above), the Y is the I in sigh, the L is the S in see, the first E is the B in back, and the second E is the EA in meat.
Between 16:00 and 17:59 UTC, the K is the B in book, the Y is the A in sad, the L is the G in game, the first E is the E in get, and the second E is the T in time.
Between 18:00 and 19:59 UTC, the K is the TH in that, the Y is the O in pot, the L is the V in give, and the EE is the A in add.
Between 20:00 and 21:59 UTC, the K is the SH in shop, the Y is the C in cat, the L is the I in live, the first E is the M in mad, and the second E is the P in pen.
And finally, between 22:00 and 23:59 UTC, the K is the V in give, the Y is the I in sit, the L is the D in down, the first E is the EE in see, and the second E is the OA in goat.
Keep in mind that these are the times for UTC, and the times for your timezone may vary.

And not to mention, the underscore is silent. If you're British, however, the underscore is instead blinking your eyelids audibly.

And that's how to pronounce "Creative_Kylee". Hope this helps!
CreditCreative_Kylee (for deciding on the name)

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09/11/2023 2:40 pm
He/Him • Level 56 : Grandmaster Birb Birb
JustaFlqmingo's Avatar
you just made my remaining half braincell I share with REACH scream and spontaneously combust
07/22/2023 7:46 am
Level 45 : Master Sweetheart
SpartanHarv's Avatar
I read the second one, and my brain just turned to mush
01/15/2023 1:06 pm
Level 52 : Grandmaster Nerd
MouseKapow's Avatar
Makes sense!
11/04/2022 5:57 pm
She/Her • Level 43 : Master Procrastinator Kitten
GalaxyCat24's Avatar
I'm the most confused cat in the galaxy.🤨🤔
I read the first one and part of the second one.
How can letters say different things at different times of day?
05/22/2022 8:37 pm
Level 18 : Journeyman Bear
Inpandascent's Avatar
You just burned the one brain cell I had left
11/17/2021 8:47 pm
Level 25 : Expert Botanist
Er0r_404's Avatar
i used 110% of my brain to read this and it still makes no sense
11/13/2021 1:07 am
Level 53 : Grandmaster Mlem Mlem Bat
Angelonasher's Avatar
im so confued o.o
07/18/2021 1:53 pm
Level 33 : Artisan Dragon
AveryViolets's Avatar
I pronounce it like the first one lol
07/11/2021 1:26 am
Level 37 : Artisan Musician
Auspop_M's Avatar
This is why i made my name simple.. M stands for "Musicals" btw! :D
06/16/2021 4:12 am
Level 42 : Master Pixel Puncher
_Blip_'s Avatar
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