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From Advanced to Nothing (Story Time Steve)

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CraftyFoxe's Avatar CraftyFoxe
Retired Moderator
Level 82 : Elite Fox

May 16, 2109:

Earth was brillant, a teeming human population of 49.8 billion people. Technology was top of the line, with almost everything automated from cooking robots to self driving cars. Space shuttles were beginning to emerge as people planned to colonize Mars. Poverty, hunger, homelessness, war had mostly been a thing of the past. People had learned from their primative actions of their past like the World Wars and tried to avoid it from happening again. The world was peaceful at last, every country was a part of the United Nations of Earth, UNE. The governments began to strip themselves of their military because war was unlikely, only having a skeleton-sized force. 

But Tragedy struck when the zombies came. No one knew how inhuman zombies were. They tried talking to them, but there was always silence or a groan. The zombies only attacked humans, killing them in massive hordes. The UNE Military tried fighting them back. Massive world scale bombings occured, sacrificing human lives to kill as many zombies as possible. The cities began to crumble into the ground. Tall, proud Super-Skyscrapers were the first ones to go, from the top to the bottom. The military powers were not sufficient to deal with this huge, unorganized, and terrible threat. They ran studies on the zombies, how they eat only people to make them into more zombies. The green, rotting monsters however only came out at night in any biome across the world. The UNE estimated before they leave Earth, that the population went from 49.8 billion to a mere 11 billion within a day.


I am a UNE Captain, in charge of the 250 men in my company. I've gotten orders to assist the protection of one of the Space shuttles who are leaving immediately for Mars. Right now I'm traveling on an old Boeing C-17 Globemaster III from the early 20th century along with the rest of the brigade. 

The room is silent, except for the constant humming of the engines and people ruslting around to get comfy. Everyone knows that this could be the last moment of their lives before they see the light. Some had already been stricken with grief as their home cities were burned to the ground along with their family and loved ones. New York City, Tokyo, Shanghai, London, Delhi, Seoul, Moscow, and much more have all been overrunned by the zombies. I don't even want to think how many have died. I've see those fricken monsters on the internet and I just want to punch them in the face, those evil MONSTERS! I can't wait to face them in combat, kill 1,000 of them before I fall. Suddenly, the overhead speakers announced, "Men we have arrived at Mimrax Base. Protect the shuttles at all costs, each one of them can hold a billion civilians. Fight to the last breath, Good luck." A billion people are on just one of those shuttles?!? The brigade exits the aircraft in military formation out the back metal ramp. The suns is up and i see literally billions of people walking around the base. Fighter Jets scream past, new transport planes are arriving and coming. I look to my left and I see them loading a dammed aircraft carrier unto our Space Shuttle. The shuttle itself is miles long, It's a marvel how this huge rectangular hulk can fly. 

The sun is almost down and I lead my men to the edge of the base. "I can't wait to slaughter these chumps! ", exclaimed Corporal Brock. "Let's see who kills the most zombies, Nasar", yelled Lt. Maxamillion. Lt. Nazar replied excitiedly," Hoorah". A lot of them however were terrified of the idea of the gruelsome monsters. Even the cheeriest bunch seemed to be sweating and uneasy with their words to disguise their true emotions. I give orders to the men, "This is humanity's last stand. Mimrax Base is one of the few UNE strongholds against the horde. Make your families proud that you held here to protect mankind. Your orders are to protect the space shuttles long enough for them to go on their way. Don't let a single rotten limb touch this wall. Once the civilians have evacuated, our mission is complete." "Hey Capt'n so what happens to us after the mission is complete?", asked Lokov. I stared into his eyes and said, "Worry about that later, now we fight."

The zombies are disfigured people, millions of zombies come from all sides. The minefield we set off earlier, killed many of them, but they still kept coming. Our Brigade is fighting fiercely, we begin to be frequently out of ammo. Grenades killed 10 zombies and injured 30 at a time. Some soldiers were equipped with flame throwers, artillery and tanks. I tell my lieutenants to fall back after 1/3 of our forces were down. The space shuttle were still filling up with people. Men I have worked with all my life, were eaten alive and became my enemies.

The world is so messed up, how can this be happening. In just a day, the world has been flipped upside down into chaos. Before I know it, my brigade only has 20 members left. The zombies take over the wall and I hear 20 bombers fly overhead. Oh no, they are going to bomb our positions to get more time. I scream at the horrified 20 survivors and tell them to follow me. We abandon our positons, run the hell out of there. I grab a small Petra dropship and haul my men out of there. I'm scared to death, I've disobeyed orders. But most of my men have died and they planned to bomb what left. I had no choice. I hand over the controls to Lt. Maxamillion, who himself is shivering and crying. No one could've prepared for this onslaught. I look out the window and although its dark, I see oceans of zombies and fire. I see the few men still alive fighting and being eaten. In the blink of an eye the bombers have dropped their loads and obliterated our former position. Yes it killed many zombies in a mile radius, but it was unneeded sacrifice to kill the men who were near the zombies. 

A message appears on the control screen of the dropship. >> RETURN TO BASE IMMEDIATELY. YOU ARE DISOBEYING ORDERS. ALL ACTIVE PERSONEL ARE TO PROTECT THE SHUTTLES AT ALL COSTS. TURN BACK OR WE WILL SHOOT DOWN THIS SHIP<< I respond back >> EAT IT << I tell Max to jumpstart the engines to overload and we get out of there. We did not expect them to waste ammo on us, but they did. We weren't hit badly, we could still fly, but the engines had some trouble. We headed as far away from the cities as possible to the uninhabited lands. I was so exhausted and I feel asleep. 

I woke early in the morning up to the the engines acting wildly and sputtering. I tell them to abandon ship. One by one they bail out of the ship. I was the last one as the leader to watch the other men leave before me. I try to control the ship, but its useless. I get knocked overboard as the ship suddenly tilts.

Where am I?I walk around for the forest for a bit, distraught, I tried calling out the names of the remaining men. "RICHARD, MAX, ORSON, COPPER, ANYONE ANSWER ME!. Of course no one else had survived the jump, I was only lucky to land on a tree on top of a hill. My survival instincts come out and I try to get a fire, a shelter and some food. I work the day, sweating, making a torch to see at night. I made my home in the side of a cliff near water. I eat an apple that I found from a tree and I take out of a picture of my beautiful wife and two kids. I can't help crying out loud as there is no one around to hear me. But I see two freaks outside with their green infected bodies and I keep quiet and rest. I have lost everything, my family and friends, my city, my troops. Everyone I know is probably dead. I have nothing except for my name, Steve.


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10/24/2014 7:40 am
Level 27 : Expert Architect
Littlesguid's Avatar
:P and fav
10/24/2014 6:14 pm
Level 82 : Elite Fox
CraftyFoxe's Avatar
Thanks :D
10/23/2014 1:28 pm
Level 27 : Expert Architect
Littlesguid's Avatar
gj love this story :)
10/19/2014 1:47 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Brookegal's Avatar
Haha very nice!
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