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Boycotting the votes:

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illager's Avatar illager
Level 58 : Grandmaster Meme
The mob votes have taken too many wonderful mob ideas and scrapped them! I am not the first person to mention my hatred for the votes, and I won't be the last. The 2023 mob vote has already started, and there is nothing I can do to stop it. What I can do is, however, rally every person to boycott the vote! No one likes the votes! I suggest that we simply DO NOT VOTE! I am sick of the mobs that are added. I know so many of you are sick of it! I'm sick of the mobs that have been added. And I am disappointed in those that weren't added! We could have had the Copper Golem! Or the Iceologer! Instead, we got the Allay--a mob that is so rare it is useless. And instead of the Iceologer we got a squid that doesn't function in any way! I am absolutely fed up with Mojang's scrapping of the two other options. Players begged for nearly 7 years for penguins to be added. And we have wanted crabs for nearly as long. We all agree--I hope--that the savanna needs armadillos! I

know for a fact that a billion-dollar game should be able to add all the mobs! Modders can add these mobs within hours! To be fair, and honest, Mojang does need to make the mobs compatible for Bedrock and Java. I believe that that is barely an excuse. They have the funding, and they have even got the time! So why not?

I am going to make a hot take. A take that may make people dislike me. Democracy doesn't work in video games. A company like Microsoft should frankly be an absolute power. They are attempting to be interactive, but frankly the players don't know what they want! The players repetitively pick awful mobs to be added! Mojang--as much as it pains me to say--needs to stop letting the players choose what's in the game. They already act like complete dictators everywhere else, but they seem to hate the idea of removing this wretched vote! It is sad, and I hate that it is the truth, but Mojang knows what is best for the game. And should stop letting players decide what is best. If players want to decide what is best, then they should turn to modding. A mod doesn't affect the entire game. A mob vote does. If you want to play with a new feature, download a mod. Don't make it a feature to the whole game. Just because you want it as a feature, doesn't mean everyone should have it as one.

Sorry if the text above sounded hurtful. Mainly the last sentence. Those words are more rhetorically intended for Mojang to hear, and don't refer to you strictly.


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10/16/2023 7:15 am
Level 38 : Artisan Vampire Droid
MaximusPrime23's Avatar
I only voted because it is my first time, also the 2023 candidates suck
10/14/2023 10:03 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Miner
ScotsMiser's Avatar
The problem with MC is that we when from an absolute dictatorship (under Persson) [​who had the benefit of being the guy smart/lucky enough to hit on a the massively popular sandbox/computer-legos model] to something that resembles a Central Committee that combines the worst features of democracy & autocracy…

Quotes are from Heinlein' s character Lazarus Long aka Woodrow Wilson Smith:

  • Democracy is based on the assumption that a million men are wiser than one man. How’s that again? I missed something.
  • Autocracy is based on the assumption that one man is wiser than a million men. Let’s play that over again, too. Who decides?

The comparison to the old Soviet Union extends to the presence of a variety of groups with opposing (and sometimes mutally exclusive) goals clamoring for the same pot of development resources (e.g. the casual youngsters who love all the cute critters vs the hardcore technical types wanting high performance, bug fixes, and new RS style toys).

A bas le vote de la foule!
Vive la révolution!
10/14/2023 7:57 pm
Level 48 : Master Sus
Rob333's Avatar
I don't care about the Revolution, and I'm neutral about Mojang making or not making the Mob Votes but, do you want me to write lyrics of a song for this Revolution?
10/14/2023 8:05 pm
Level 58 : Grandmaster Meme
illager's Avatar
I'd be glad, honestly if you were to write out some notes yes!
10/14/2023 8:11 pm
Level 48 : Master Sus
Rob333's Avatar
Well, The Creeper Revolution is kinda similar to Russian Revolution, and they're using modified versions of Soviet propaganda, so I plan to make a special version of a Polish revolutionary song that is public domain so everyone can use it and modify it, if they're taking Soviet stuff, why wouldn't I take a Soviet song that was taken from a Polish song?
10/14/2023 8:13 pm
Level 58 : Grandmaster Meme
illager's Avatar
Fair enough!
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